This week, my boys attended Vacation Bible School at a local church. Another church located directly across the street from the VBS church ran a medieval-themed dance camp for girls at the same time.
"Nooooo!" my children cried in unison.
"I've already paid," I told them matter-of-factly. "You're going."
Despite everyone's initial reluctance to expand their spiritual horizons, both camps were run exceptionally well and turned out to be lots of fun.
This afternoon was Camber's dance recital. During the only 30 minute period of the week when my cell phone ringer was turned off, Cortlen got stung by a bee at Bible school.
When I turned on my phone at the end of the recital, there were 7 missed calls and 4 new messages, all from the same number. The woman who left the messages had Cortlen's health form in front of her which indicated that he wasn't allergic to bee stings, but she was still hysterical. And very upset that I wasn't picking up my phone.
All of this was totally understandable, and I felt appropriately awful. I dragged Camber off stage and ran across the street, preparing for the worst. I expected to find my son laid out on a stretcher, but instead found him swinging from the monkey bars on the playground. I apologized profusely to a group of women with clipboards in their hands and explained the situation, pointing to my daughter (who was wearing a cardboard breastplate and carrying a sword covered with aluminum foil) as evidence.
In the end, the women were very nice about the whole thing, but that didn't stop me from slinking back to my car with my tail between my legs. I felt like the most neglectful parent in the universe.
Once we got home, Kellen announced that he had left a whole change of clothes at Bible school. Cortlen then remembered that he had forgotten his sunscreen and towel.
"When are we going back to Bible school to pick up our stuff?" my boys wanted to know.
I have been deliberately putting off answering their question.
I know every mom goes through this, but you should definitely not feel bad. OK, feel bad for the kid (although it doesn't sound like he's doing too badly) but don't feel guilty about you.
It's such a shame that you happen to be human.
That's crazy. Good grief.
I think that cell phones have ruined us a little.
i think its so crazy that she was all upset if there was really nothing wrong with him. funny, though, but your only human.
Isn't it funny (in a sad kind of way) how much guilt we can inflict upon ourselves? Let it go. He's fine. Just think, if this had been the "olden" days they would have called your house, and if you were out, then you were out and unreachable. It happens.
Chin up Mean Mommy...my daughter's school chased me down to sign a form because she scraped her elbow on the playground. They iced it, and bandaged it...yet no swelling or blood. I told them "no blood no foul". You should have seen the daggers they shot me. Now every time I take her into the classroom I notice I am checking out my shoes. Guilt is an awful thing. www.mainemommy.com
Glad everything came out ok. Don't worry about not having your phone on. They could have ran across the street if they needed you.
You're not going back, are you?
(I'm with "happyfamily". Or maybe ruined us a lot.)
Whatever - they will get over it.
Here is a story to ease your guilt.
When my little one was 2 we dragged her through the Home Depot with a dislocated elbow and broken wrist (at times literally dragging). I thought she was just being whiney. Eventually when we got home my husband convinced me he should take her to the ER!
It's the Murphy's Law of motherhood striking again. :)
You are going to be a rich woman when he hits Hollywood.
I know exactly what you mean about the cell phone thing. The only person who will try to contact me all week will be my husband, who really just wants to text me about funny things from work. Then, if I turn my phone off for anything IMPORTANT, I get a call from an old friend, or my Mum tries calling me to tell me horrible news or great news, or just something. Anything.
By the way, the word varification is "momelet." I bet that tastes awesome.
Don't feel bad.
Once my mom forgot me at the supermarket.
Cashiers fed me on ice-cream until my mom came back crying a river.
@ happyfamily: Although cell phones are definitely useful at times, they manage to complicate everyday situations nonetheless.
You don't have to go back for the stuff, just send your husband and the boys this morning!
ha ha ha
C'mon, don't feel bad - you were at Camber's performance. Think of all the other possible things you COULD have been doing that you would not have wanted to explain.
Don't feel bad, momma!
Glad to hear there are no bee sting allergies!
~Debra at ourimperfectlife.blogspot.com
I once forgot my son after guitar lessons. It was in the winter when it gets dark early, and he had no coat, and he was huddled up to a tree to try to stay warm and out of the wind. And my cell phone was off. I remembered a half hour later.
It was like 5 years ago and the guilt is still as fresh as the day it happened. He also likes to remind me about it to get special favors.
But in my own defense, he could have looked 'like a dweeb' (according to him) and actually worn a coat in the winter. But who thinks of that?
Yeah, I was MIA one time over a year ago for about 3 hrs for a meeting/tour of new facility and it turns out my babysitter called repeatedly during that time. She was ill and needed me to pick up the kids. Of course she never called my husband. I felt like a super shit. It's wierdly only when I am away from my phone for some odd reason that they need me. Any other time, they NEVER call.
I can make you feel better! I turned off my phone for 20 minutes while doing my daughters "flying up" ceremony. Turned it on and there were 4 messages that went in increaing order of urgency as my son had an asthma attack at his grandmothers WITH WHOM I FORGOT TO LEAVE HIS INHALER... the last message was the one saying he was in the ambulance on the way to the ER... thank God she was a nurse.
The title of this post is so interesting. I was surprised when I open this post. The article is so great. Such an interesting and informative post.
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