Over the weekend, my seven year-old twins came across a strange and suspicious object partially buried in the middle of our yard. The mysterious object was round, black, and either part of a UFO spaceship or an ancient Egyptian artifact. So they did what first grade boys do in such moments of exhilarating discovery: they dug the object up.
The archaeological dig proved to be wildly successful. My sons did not find any evidence of ancient civilizations buried in our lawn, but they did find a piece of PVC pipe, which they pulled on until it broke.
Only my kids would dig up their home's sprinkler system.....and maybe yours :)
I'm not going to lie: upon discovering what my boys had done, I curled up into a tight ball in the middle of my yard and cried for a good ten minutes. And then I started to laugh.
My family's most recent adventure has reminded me of lots of things, the most important of which is that happiness is a choice. I am far from the paradigmatic parent, but one thing that having lots of young kids has taught me is that living positively is a conscious act. Finding humor in situations and circumstances that should not be at all funny is both my primary coping strategy and life's guiding principle. If I can instill in my children one thing, I hope to teach them the role of laughter in living positively.

In a couple of days, I'll be attending the Conversations with Coca-Cola event in Atlanta, where I'll be meeting with some of the top leadership at Coca-Cola. I feel honored to have received this invitation and am super excited for the event. Since I'll be representing you--mothers of the world--what questions do you have for them? What have you always wanted to know about Coca-Cola (the product and/or the company)?
I promise I'll take lots of pictures.
Disclosure: This is a paid post by BlogHer. Coca-Cola will be paying for my travel, lodging, and activities while in Atlanta.
I would like to know if Coca Cola is considering going down the same road as Pepsi and making a REAL SUGAR soda at least for a limited time? Pepsi has Throwback, made with sugar instead of HFCS.
Just give them a thousand thank yous for Coke Zero!!!
The caffeine content clearly stated on the label would be great. :)
It is rumored that the original Coca-Cola formula had cocaine in it. Will you be a myth buster for us and find out?
I'm guessing you'll get to go to the coke museum while you're there. It's awesome, but I'll warn you to beware of the international flavored coke-tasting room. Most are yummy, a few will make you gag. :)
As for questions, I like Frances'! Cocaine or not cocaine?
I'm not a 'Mom', but I'd simply like to know how it came to be that Coca-Cola contacted you to participate. Are you in some 'club', or a member of some Coca-Cola related activity? Enjoy your convention, and above all, BE SAFE...your family needs you!
How does Coke feel about poisoning the human population with high fructose corn syrup??
Tell them to bring back C2! It was a coke product that tasted excatly like a regular coke, but had only half the calories. It was great! I can't find it anymore. :-(
Love the cry/laugh strategy. I am a laugher in general.......and am working on gaining the skill of laughing in such archeological digs. I think my boys are younger versions of your and I hope to remember this in 4 years.
I love Vanilla Coke Zero. I have seen them make it in the 12 pack. Will they ever make it in the 2-liter?
mmmm coke is the thing that gets me through my two active lovely boys.
Why does McDonalds Coke taste better than any other Coke around??
thats an ultimate treat..
a styrofoam cup.. intended for sweet tea... i add the perfect amount of ice and coke.. and mmmm.. sip away
How about this:
Dear Coke,
When you are about to discontinue a product that dozens of people are slightly addicted to, please give us a warning on the packaging so we can stockpile our favorite beverage.
had such fun at the Coca-Cola Museum. Beware the tasting room...I left with a very rumbly tummy from trying too many beverages from around the world!
I would like to know from Coke why the caffeine free Coke Classic doesn't taste the same as Coke Classic...it should, right?
BRING BACK REGULAR VANILLA COKE!!! I would also like to see a Coke "Throwback". Have fun!
Yes - When is Coke going to go away from HFCS and all the fake sugars.
We want the REAL stuff - not a bunch of nasty additives.
Have a great trip!
I had to swipe a quote from you today. The part about choosing to live positively. I have a 3 yr old, a 1yr old and one due in Sept. I may need to tattoo your quote on my forehead. Until I save the $ up to do so, I'll just copy and paste the quote on my FB status...I also gave you credit for it. Maybe you will have a few more followers after sharing such sage advice :)
What happened to Vanilla Coke? I can never find it, only place I ever see it is in the fountain at Chuck E. Cheese in VA...and of course I live in TN. It is the only Coke product I like!
If Coke is such a family-oriented company, then why don't they have grants or easy to obtain loans set up for couples who can't have children of their own to help cover the astronomical cost of adoption? Or other such programs? I would love nothing more than to share my love of Diet Coke with a son/daughter, but the $35,000 must-pay-upfront price tag is making that impossible. I'm 30 and have been trying to figure out how to make that number feasible for 5 years now. Company sponsorship could really help and would be great press.
Or they could have attainable scholarships for those groups who usually aren't included, such as returning students. I know the Coca-Cola company brings in millions of dollars in profits. Why not share it with the families who love it in unique ways? I've always wondered this about big companies. These may not be the questions you're wanting, but I thought I'd take a chance and speak my mind for once.
Just tell them that Diet Coke is what get me through the day with 4 young kiddos at home... yummy, yummy, yummmy... (Oh, and 2nd Ashley W.--vanilla coke zero in 2 liters! :-))
When is alcohol going to be an active ingredient and could it be available by next week? I'm asking because it's only day 2 of summer vacation and it feels like a month. :)
I am with several others... I want to know when they will abandon the HFCS.
and if they could please use splenda instead of aspartame in the diet coke with lime.
I miss my daily coke!
Soda is one of the major contributors to the childhood obesity epidemic. Ask them about that. Also, please enforce the idea that, the truth is, the most conscientious mothers really should not let their children near the stuff! Ask them about that. Please, please don't sell yourself out to Coke! That would make me so sad.
Will you be giving a talk there? I live in the Atlanta area and would love to be a part of it should it be open to the public. :)
it did have cocaine in it, only it was in the form of coca leaves not full blown coke.
I love your view on choosing happiness and I too try to always find the humor in the not so funny situations. Sometimes when I do this my kids look at me funny and ask why I'm laughing... I tell them because if I don't laugh I'll cry.
Thanks for always giving me a good laugh and something to look forward too... I check your blog everyday!! :-D
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