Cameron received another platelet transfusion yesterday and so far, is responding well to it. He's regaining some energy, as evidenced by the fact that he cried (for the first time) and is opening his eyes. Doctors removed his central line and downgraded him to a nasal cannula yesterday (both very good things) so we got to hold him for the first time! It was very exciting, and overwhelming. Here are a couple of pictures from recent days.

What a beautiful boy you have there - Good Work ! I am sending lots of positive thoughts you way. There is just nothing scarier then having your baby in the hospital, and going home without him is just, well, the very worst feeling. I remember thinking "with empty arms and a heavy heart" as we drove away and left my son in the care of his nurses and doctors for a few hours.
I am so glad he is improving so quickly, that is wonderful news for all of you !
Take care, remember to sleep and eat as often as possible so that you stay healthy and strong too !
I am glad he is doing better. Are you at Penn? I just assumed because all your appointments were there.Just curious. I have a birth mother that delivered a little while ago and her little boy is in NICU at Penn. I think he is being discharged this week to us because he doing better. Maybe I'll see you?!
He is so beautiful! I love the name you picked, especially since I have a Cameron too:) He'll be home before you know it!
He is so beautiful! Awww!
He sounds like such a strong little fighter. Before you know it, he'll be beating up on his older brothers!
He is absolutely beautiful, just like the other 3. Glad to hear he is getting stronger. I'll keep your family in my prayers.
Jana, Cameron is so adorable. And you look great! You are all in our prayers. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you, watch the kids or whatever.
Wow. I personally think Cameron looks great for a regular, healthy, not-early baby! I'm glad things have been going so well for the little guy, all things considered. I'll be praying for you guys.
My sister just brought twin home from the NICU, such a stressful time, even when things are looking positive. Sending thoughts and prayers your way...
He's beautiful. Praying for lots of improvement quickly so you can bring him home soon!
Oh my! He is so handsome. I am happy to hear he is doing so well and pray he will continue to improve.
Love the picture with Camber! I think Cameron looks just like the boys. I've been praying for you!
cutie-patootie! Praying for all of you.
Thanks for the update Jana and the beautiful pictures. He is absolutely gorgeous
So glad things are lookin up! My prayers are with your family, the docs and nurses....
Meg from Ga
aww, he's beautiful.
(yes i am posting during conference, sue me.)
He is so adorable and looks great! It bring back tons of memories seeing him in the NICU, as I am sure it does for you. He looks wonderful! I will keep sending positive thoughts!
He is a cutie! I'm happy to hear he's doing better and getting stronger everyday! You get some rest too and I'll continue the prayers.
He is beautiful. Much love and prayers to your family. He is a fighter, I predict that he will change the world.
He is so beautiful! I am glad that things are going a little better. I couldn't sleep last night because my little one wouldn't let me. I read your last few posts and cried. The thought of one of my own going through such hardship broke my heart. I prayed for you serveral times during the night and thought of you plenty. I wish you the best and hope that blessings continue to be present in your life.
Having had a child that spent a lot of time in the PICU I can tell you any amount of time spent there is horrible and you should never feel like your time there is any less difficult than others.
My thoughts are with you and your family.
Oh my goodness! I was gone on vacation, and when I got online today I saw that your beautiful baby boy was born!!!
I'm so sorry you went through all of that scary stuff. :( It sounds like he is doing very well though. Thank heavens!
As a mommy to 26 week triplets, I certainly understand the fears of having a baby in the NICU. Hang in there mama. He'll be out of there before you know it.
Hugs! And congratulations on your handsome little guy!!!
I'm so glad to hear there is positive progress. I notice there is a Moroni in the corner of your blog. No doubt there have been many blessings given. BTW YOU look fabulous, way to go! I look like crap after I have a baby.
Jana and family .. congratulations .. So pleased Cameron is improving ... I sit here 5 days overdue with my second baby and have been moaning about it, reading your story puts a bit of perspective in my life ... my baby "should" be healthy, when he is born and I wont be facing the NICU at all. I pray things continue to look up for you all and quickly!
Oh he's beautiful! And what a good update to see that he's progressing AND you got to hold him. Seeing those NICU pics took me right back to when my 3 were hooked up to everything under the and so little and fragile. Please remember to take care of yourself during the NICU time. I didn't listen to everyone who told me that and ran myself ragged spending every second I could at the NICU. I didn't hear this till after the NICU experience was over but I wish I had heard it while they were there: Right now, Cameron has the most expensive and well trained babysitters he will ever have in his entire life! It's ok to take care of you, too. I'll still be sending lots of good thoughts for you!
He is precious. You look great, Jana. I'm glad he is doing well and hanging in there. If he is anything like you, he will pull out of this in no time.
Sometimes new babies look like trolls, but yours doesn't! So way to go on that!
Also, your family has been in my prayers, and honestly, if feels a little odd to ask a blessing on the Meanest Mom and her new baby. But at the same time it feels very right.
Awwww... he's really cute! And blond!
I hope his health continues to improve.
He's so cute!
he is so adorable. He has so much hair, more than Henry. I am so glad he is doing better. We had a few different scares with Henry so I cannot even imagine how helpless you must feel. I know you though, you are so tough.
Oh my goodness! He is so sweet. I hope everything continues to improve for your little guy. Lots of hugs and prayers:)
He is so beautiful, Jana. I'm so glad to hear he's improving. You'll be in our prayers. I know how hard it is to leave the hospital with empty arms. Especially after having other kids and knowing "the routine". But you'll be okay. He's right where he needs to be...and you need to heal too! You know all this, I'm sure. It's nothing new. Just know that I cried like a baby pulling out of the parking lot...and every 15 minutes or so for the first 24 hours. Then the tears were more spread out. YOU WILL SURVIVE!
He is beautiful! And so is his mean ole mom! You look fantastic! And sound so strong and calm - I am truly amazed - I was a blubbering mess of hormones for many weeks, and that was WITHOUT facing NICU challenges. Continued prayers for your little guy, and family as you wait to bring him home!
Jana- I hope you are getting all the rest that you need. It is hard enough just having a baby that doesn't need extra special attention. My prayers are with you and your lil' Cameron!
My first child was in the NICU for several days. It is a very difficult thing to go through and I wouldn't wish the experience on anyone. I am so happy to hear he is doing better. I am a frequent reader of your blog - thank you for bringing a smile to my face and putting parenthood into perspective. I will say a prayer for your family.
What great news to hear that he is doing so well.....We will keep up the prayers for you and Cameron.
He looks like Tim! :) Sweet pictures, thanks for the update! Glad things are moving in a forward motion...
He is beautiful! I hope he is healthy enough to join you all at home soon!
beautiful boy!
good thoughts and prayers your way...
I am glad to hear things are getting better. I know how hard the NICU is and I am sure things are stressful and exhausting right now. Good luck with all of it. He is adorable.
He's beautiful! I'm very glad to hear that he's responding well. =) I can't imagine how hard this has all been on you. *big hugs to you and your family* You all are in my thoughts and my prays. Also, I am loving the name. =)
He is so cute. I am glad things are looking up for you guys. I hope he gets to come home soon. Having a child who is sick is very scary time. Take care of yourself also right now. I will be praying for you guys.
He is just beautiful. You and your family are in my prayers!
Isn't he just so cute!! We'll keep your family in our prayers. Congrats!!!
Thank you so much for all of your wonderful comments. Sounds like there are lots and lots of you out there who have spent time in the NICU. As you well know, it is a scary, but also very sacred place. I am in constant awe and amazement at all of the miracles that are worked there.
Bless his little heart. Your son is beautiful and from your posts, is a fighter. Best of luck to all of you, I hope he is well, and home soon.
New reader, mom to a toddler boy.
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