Day 1
The sound of upchuck
In the middle of the night
Makes my heart rejoice
Here is a bucket
I know that you don't feel good
Please try to make it
In the middle of the night
Makes my heart rejoice
Here is a bucket
I know that you don't feel good
Please try to make it
Day 2
I am out of Sprite
All I have is apple juice
Take it or leave it
Your hands are not sick
I do not want your tissue
Go throw it away
I do not want your tissue
Go throw it away
Day 3
I'm sorry you're bored
Please do not touch anything
Especially my food
Get back in your bed
Sick people do not eat cake
You can have oatmeal
I'm sorry you're bored
Please do not touch anything
Especially my food
Get back in your bed
Sick people do not eat cake
You can have oatmeal
Day 4
I will take the chanceThat you are not contagious
And send you to school
Have a visitor at your house? Stomach flu? Double ear infections? Chronic chest cold? Rotavirus? Hypochondria?
All worthy of a haiku in the comments I think.
Line 1: 5 syllables
Line 2: 7 syllables
Line 3: 5 syllables
This is how last week started...
Mom, I don't feel good
From the front seat I look back
Car now full of barf
We have had it too.
And with only one bathroom
It was a challenge.
My visitors are
My in-laws for seven days
Flu not look so bad
You have a fever!
My leg and my finger hurt...
Are you sure that's all?
At 3:30 this morning! :)
Ha, so much for plans over the weekend!
Stomach flu here too.
We should own stock in Lysol.
Quick grab the bucket.
No fever today.
I feel a break coming soon.
To school you must go!
Mom my tummy hurts
I puked all over my bed
Can I go play now?
Influenza beast
get out of my house you jerk
you're making me mad.
She's sick all weekend.
I hope to get stuff done now.
No luck. Home again.
Mommy, I feel sick
But don't want to sleep alone
Let me share my germs
Your wit is divine
I wish I could be like you
One day, with practice
So glad you gave the directions on a haiku because I have would have had no idea haha.
No poo in three days
I don't know what more to do
Constipated girl
Prune juice for dinner
Upset tummy makes you scream
I can't put you down
Too tired to clean puke.
Cover it with a towel.
Save it for later.
Son needs two stitches
Mom is alone with all kids
Where's Dad? Playing golf!
Thirteen-month-old twins
Equals stomach flu times two
Vomit. Bathe. Repeat.
"Can I have ice cream?"
"No it's not good for pukers."
Praise Pedialyte.
(previous post was off a little)
So tired. I wonder
why your germs you pass to me,
leaving you to play...
It must have been the
peanut butter sandwich from
last night, she said, ralph.
1 o'clock, 2,5
6 am it comes
spewing in the john
it smelled like candy
it looked like pink barf
the toilet did flush
The snot that I've wiped
From all of my girls' noses
A river is less
"Look Mommy", I hear
Gross, what's hanging from your nose?
She wipes on the couch
Ashamed to admit
I do not quickly clean it
instead say, "use your shirt"
My children are sick.
Hypochondriac husband,
Suddenly dying!
How can Mom be sick?
She is a superhuman!
Cure? Let's make a mess!
Flu bug, you vile beast
Share your joy with my neighbors.
They'll drive me to drink!
Son has the sniffles
"No big deal," I say, until
I get sniffles too
You are a genius
Bringing laughter to my day
All hail meanest mom
I hurt my damn knee
I do not remember how
Probably whiskey
Mother of triplets
Sick twenty four seven
For the first five years
Please don't cough on me
What? You want me to hold you?
And your brother, too?
Here, watch a cartoon
Please don't vomit on the couch
Oh, your ears hurt too?
No ice cream for you
Motrin. Its what's for breakfast
Please go back to school!
I am so impressed
With your creative genius
You guys rock my socks
There's snow on the ground.
Please stop that hacking cough.
Tomorrow is school.
(Oh, PS, my "word verification" word?? Varmit. That rocks.)
Haiku for a Hypochodriac
Yes, Brother was sick
Last weekend for two whole days.
No, you are not sick.
I made him jello.
You got to eat some as well.
I will not make more.
He laid on the couch.
You do not need to lay there.
For you are not sick.
You've played fine all day
Until I told you "pick up!"
I say it again.
I will make you cry.
Put this stinking junk away
Child, you are not sick!
hubbie is a child
crying, moaning, bed-ridden
because of sore throat.
please sit here with me
and take a deep breath of germs
stay the whole night
with luck tomorrow
you'll be ill too and we can
share a cosy bed
Fantastic haiku's! I've been laughing or rather coughing my head off...
My head's killing me,
If you don't stop fighting now
I WILL throw this shoe.
What clever readers you have, my dear. I haven't written a Haiku since elementary school. It was fun to read all of them--I'm glad I showed up late for this post.
It isn't about sickness, but, having a preteen daughter, it is an affliction...
Puberty is here.
That most dreaded time of life.
Oh Lord, Give me strength.
I happened upon your blog and really enjoy it. I am a mom of twins in Philly as well-- so if I see you at Costco feel free to tell me that I "have my hands full" and I will reply with the obligatory "Oh my God, I could never do THAT" and point at your children.
Anyway, I can no longer contain my urge to comment. I love a hiaku.
three weeks of sickness
now everybody is well
wait, mom's going down!
Ok, I loved YOUR poems, but the comments just spread the love even further!
Here's a haiku dedicated to my kids:
We have been moving.
Every muscle I have hurts.
Don't complain to me.
Lots of green boogers?
Go get yourself a kleenex.
Throw it away too.
Once I get some sleep
I promise to be less mean.
I might even cook.
Cover your sneezes!
No matter how I love you
I want not your germs.
Cover your coughing!
Yes, dear, I will hold you but
I want not your germs.
Please use a tissue.
Make sure it goes in the trash.
I want not your germs.
How they smile sweetly,
Full of vim and vigor now
That I have their germs.
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