"Do you know any amazing and deserving families?" they asked me.
Thanks to your emails and nominations last month, I know of several hundred.

In reading Amy's blog, I have been touched by her faith, her strength in the face of adversity, and her commitment to passing her husband's legacy of courage and bravery onto her children. I have also been touched by this father's tremendous love for his family, as evident by the way he lived his life and things he said and did for them before he passed.
Amy, thanks for letting me share your story. I speak for thousands when I say that you are in our thoughts and prayers. We're rooting for you!
I am typing through tears. That family...oh my!! They totally deserve the $$. God bless all our heros.
You're a sweetheart
Thank you Amy! Definitely a great choice.
Good choice. Amy is an example to all of us.
What a deserving family--wonderful choice.
Oh my goodness. What can we do for her? I can't imagine, what a sacrifice so that I might sleep safely.
Good choice.
After reading Amy's blog (through many tears) I remember how thankful I am for my family. I can't imagine what she goes through everyday to keep it together. God bless her and her family. Thanks for sharing your life with us. You are an inspiration :)
Wow. Amy, you are amazing. You deserve everything good that comes to you. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Wow! I couldn't think of someone more deserving either. I am speechless.
My family has known Amy's family and Geoff's family for a very long time. You couldn't make a better choice. Thank you.
What a great choice for a winner. Congrats!
I've been following your blog for a while now, but never commented. However, I couldn't let this one pass me by. Thank you so much for choosing Amy! What pure examples of faith and strength, may their family be continued to be blessed with it.
This was THE PERFECT CHOICE! I am so glad you are honoring this fallen soldier. He picked the perfect wife to be the mother of his children. God bless them all.
I love Amy and her family They truely are wonderful and deserve all this and more. Amy is a strong woman.
I know Amy and her family and agree she and her 4 beautiful kids are so worthy of this.
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