The Tooth Fairy is in big trouble at my house. Last Wednesday, my daughter lost her second tooth. When she woke up the next morning, her tooth was still under her pillow. Bursting into our bedroom at the crack of dawn she cried, "The Tooth Fairy didn't come!"
I looked at my husband who grimaced and put a pillow over his head.
I told my daughter that the Tooth Fairy probably got lost in the city or bit by the raccoon/wolverine that recently has taken up residence under our deck.
"She'll come tonight," I promised.
Just to make sure, my daughter wrote the Tooth Fairy a note, specifying where to place the two crisp dollars she was expected to bring.
The next morning, Camber came into our bedroom in tears.
My husband told her that the Tooth Fairy was vacationing in Hawaii. The truth was that she spent the night tiling the kids' bathroom.
While my daughter ate breakfast, I slipped into her room and shoved two dollars plus interest under her mattress. A few minutes later, I casually suggested that she try to look for the money again.
My daughter was not at all surprised to find the bills in an odd place.
"I don't think the Tooth Fairy is very smart," she announced as she counted her bills.
I would have to say that I agree.
Anyone else have a child who the Tooth Fairy forgot?
Yes, luckily it had stormed heavily the night before so we blamed it on the rain. Cuz you know if her wings got wet she couldn't fly....
Heh, the tooth fairy would forget to come for weeks on end. I think my sister waited two months once?
Also, when I was a kid we got a quarter from the tooth fairy. Her rates went up with my younger siblings, but not by any specific amount. It just seemed she scrounged around in her purse for whatever amount she could leave for the lucky toothless kid. 0.75, 0.62, whatev, its money, be grateful. The tooth fairy was a little halfhearted in our home.
$2 + interest!?
I think I'll start pulling some of my teeth now. I don't really use some of the back ones anyway.
the tooth fairy is the WORST!
Sometimes...she forgets and forgets...and usually requires a hand written note before she will come to our house.
Actually... the first tooth that ever fell out in our house set the precedent. Our tooth fairy is ALWAYS late. She's been as many as 3 days late. It has been fun watching their little minds work. Our oldest is a bit lazy and irresponsible. We've been able to use the tooth fairy as an example of what happens when you stay lazy and irresponsible or are a poor time manager. People get disappointed! And, in the real world people get fired with that kind of work ethic. It's a darn good thing the tooth fairy is a fairy. :)
I don't think I have forgot...but one time we had NO Money and I mean NO money that I could find in the house. Don't ya love debit cards...so my little guy got an IOU from the tooth fairy. His tooth came out right before bed and she was already on her route and didn't have enough to cover any "new tooth losses" that happened right before bedtime!
By the time the 8th child started losing teeth, the tooth fairy had lost her luster. The poor kid ended up with just a collection of forgotten teeth.
Oh yeah...in our house, the tooth fairy had already left for evening rounds when our daughter lost her tooth, so she wasn't on the list. Ahem. We promised her she would be on the list for the next night.
I've gone up and helped a child "look" a couple of times; somehow it's always me that finds the money. :)
Our local paper just did a story about the chancellor of a local university, who has a framed letter from one child to the tooth fairy in her home office. Something along the lines of the child is saying she understands the tooth fairy is very busy, but hopes she remembers to come this time. It happens to all of us.
I haven't had to deal with tooth fairy drama yet. Is the going rate $2? That's insane. Lil' D is getting a quarter, just like I did back in the day. Next they'll be asking for i-pods from the tooth fairy. Geesh! Take care.
Bad Mom Card!
My kid is only 2 so I haven't ever forgotten. I'm sure I will though. Actually I probably won't forget so much as chicken out. The thought of touching a dismembered tooth really grosses me out.
We have a really stupid tooth fairy at our house. She forgets all the time. (Although, we also have two ten-year-olds who still believe in the tooth fairy. I would never call them stupid...but, really?...A fairy that likes teeth?...I'm just sayin'...)
The day I found out about the tooth fairy was the day she forgot, and snuck into my room in her long mumu and accidentally dropped the quarters on the floor while fumbling to place them under my pillow. My friend got a Carebears book that night for her tooth.
The tooth fairy forgets every stinkin' time at our house. Then there is a lame excuse, and my boys have figured it out, but won't say for fear they won't get their dollar (it's a dollar at our house).
I am so thankful for your post! We thought we were the only ones with a distracted toothfairy!
Children #s 1,2 & 3 have all experienced many a mornings' disappointment with our tooth fairy. So sad. Especially for #3 who had 8 babies removed in two weeks. It was all good for him though, because at our house,the longer the wait, the better the haul. Gotta love that fairy guilt.
Hopefully Child #4 will have a better experince.
Okay ..I'll admitt..The toothfairy has forgot our house once too..:) lol
I think my kids secretly like when we forget, because we forget more often than we remember, and we usually add interest when we forget. I'll have to remember that money-under-the-mattress trick, or the, "hey, let me help you look for that" trick. That's genius.
Our tooth fairy forgot with our daughter's very first tooth. We told her she must have woke up and scared the tooth fairy away. So now we have to put teeth under my husband's pillow so she won't scare the tooth fairy away again. Once we didn't have any cash in the house and we had to tell her that she was on vacation, but as soon as she got back she would come by. Our tooth fairy isn't very smart either. :)
My son lost his first tooth late at night and it totally slipped our minds to play tooth fairy when we went to bed. so the next morning he was devestated that she didn't come. luckly i convinced him that since it was so late, he wasn't on the tooth fairy's schedule. the next night, money was left and everyone woke up happy.
The tooth fairy has forgotten at our house. Not only was there no money, there was no tooth. If the tooth fairy cannot find the tooth, how can she leave the money?? Somehow the tooth ended up at the other end of the bed. Don't ask me how that happened, but it was seriously a blessing. Now whenever a kid loses a tooth at my house, I stop what I'm doing IMMEDIATELY and go put the $2 (yes $2) on top of my pillow so when I go to bed I'm reminded.
When our dalmation puppy lost a tooth my oldest thought she would fool the tooth fairy and put it under her pillow. Imagine her surprise when she woke up in the morning and found a milkbone in its place!
She still talks about it. (And she's 30 now!)
Wow - and I thought I was the only one! I never once remember the tooth fairy forgetting me when I was a kid, but she forgets my kids all the time! Thankfully, they are old enough now to know what a slacker the tooth fairy is! :-)
I hate when the kids lose teeth for this very reason. To begin with I don't stay up much past the kids and well they really need to be dead asleep before I walk over the lego encrusted carpet muttering exclamations not fit for print. I also, rarely have small bills or any bills for that matter and those darn kids don't take an ATM card. Lastly, I can never FIND the tooth under their pillow - we took to having them place it in an envelope.
Oh yeah, the Tooth Fairy is very stupid. Here's my Tooth Fairy story: http://yourfamilystory-cmpointer.blogspot.com/2009/08/tooth-fairy.html
See? You're not alone ~ we stupid Tooth Fairies need to stick together!
Family Stories
Our tooth fairy rules - if you loose a tooth after 5 pm, you are on the next day's list. The tooth fairy can only carry so much money, so if it's been a busy toothing-loosing day, you might get bumped.
But the best is trauma pay - if you have to have a tooth pulled, or you trip on your untied shoe laces and loose your front two teeth, etc, the tooth fairy will compensate you for your pain. Her rates are a little erratic for pain and suffering, but there will be extra.
We generally give $1 per tooth, golden if the tooth fairy makes it to the bank.
My daughter lost her first tooth last week. I came VERY close to forgetting. I literally got up in a panic as I was going to sleep at around 2 a.m. Had to interrupt the 3-month-old sleeping on my person to go put some cash under her pillow. SO lucky I didn't forget. Her FIRST tooth! I mean, come on! AND she knows the Tooth Fairy is me, so I would've been in some serious hot water.
Wow! One time when I was little, the Tooth Fairy forgot about me for an entire week. I wrote her a [probably not so] kind letter, and finally received the goods--$5! Next time I lost my tooth, I prayed she would forget again!
When I was younger the tooth fairy would always forget for at least a couple of nights. That darn tooth fairy is just so busy that sometimes she can't get to everyone in one night. ;) I am sure when I have kids I will forget, too!
Fortunately, my child is just as forgetful as the tooth fairy. (Apple, tree, all that.)Recently he left his tooth in a Ziploc bag on the counter for a week under a pile of school work. SO, the tooth fairy just put the money in the bag and waited for him to find it. Took AWHILE and he was JUST as excited as if it had been under his pillow. Maybe more, because he was impressed at the tooth fairy's prowess at finding misplaced teeth!
Glad to know I'm not the only one! I love stefs idea of setting an example with the tooth fairy!!
The first couple of times she forgot I found the money, now we must have the same tooth fairy because it seems to get under the mattress a lot! Silly fairy!! That's what happens when you have so many teeth to get in one night!
My kids have just started asking for the money instead of waiting for the tooth fairy - she has forgotten way too many times!
You betcha! The Tooth Fairy has a hard time staying awake longer than the child waiting for her to arrive. The Tooth Fairy feels badly about this, but, not enough to set an alarm for the wee hours, or even enough to remember to take a detour after a middle of the night baby feeding to the toothless child's room. Fortunately Mom gets really annoyed when the tooth fairy doesn't make it, so she ponies up the bills herself and then waits for the tooth fairy to reimburse her.
The running joke amongst our friends is the hope they don't get our tooth fairy, because I think she's forgotten almost every single tooth, some more then once.
We suck. But yeah there are all sorts of conditions in the Tooth Fairy Clause, and if the conditions are not just right, the otth fairy cannot fly.
Uh.. yeah. Our toothfairy is clumbsy and usually drops the money on the floor. Usually a few day late too. Whatever happened to .25cents.... maybe that's why my parents never seemed to forget.
The TF always forgets! The kids must always check twice and sometimes under the bed by the wall-- where it has be said to have slipped under the bed. Or check another child's room as the tooth fairy is never sure where the child has slept in the past.
I haven't forgotten...but what I did was worse! My son lost his tooth while at my mother-in-laws house. He was going to spend the night there so I told him to give me the tooth and he could put it under his pillow the next night. The next night came and he asked for his tooth...and Yep! I couldn't find it anywhere! I think I threw it out by mistake. Anyway, instead of a tooth I had to write a long explanation to the tooth fairy (as dictated by my son) as to why there was no tooth. I still haven't lived that one down.
Are you kidding??? We were really good to remember with our oldest daughter, but by the time we had two more kids, our youngest has been forgotten more times than I can count! I even remember slipping money under her pillow in the morning and then waking her up. Man, I'm sneaky! (and forgetful!)
I have a tooth in a baggie sitting on my desk this very minute - by the computer. My son brought it upstairs a couple weeks ago because it just wasn't getting found down in his room. :-) It doesn't seem to be getting found by the desk either.
When the tooth fairy forgets to come at our house, it's because the child must not have been asleep when she flew by. Hmmmm....must try going to bed earlier the next night!!!
I did get an IOU once, and luckily my kiddo has not started losing his teeth yet. The grossest thing about the tooth fairy in MY house growing up was the fact that when we were old enough to move out, the "tooth fairy" gave us one last thing to take with us--all our old teeth. And she actually said once, "Maybe it will come in handy someday, you know for DNA verification or something." That woman watches too much CSI.
It's reassuring that I am not the only parent that forgets!!!
LOL! The SAME situation happened to me! I forgot 2 nights. When they were eating breakfast I slipped it in an odd place, had him to go make his bed, and the day was SAVED! My oldest decided then and there that there was no tooth fairy!
I forgot one night and had to slide the money down the side of her bed. We "found " it while making her bed together. I suggested that maybe it had fallen off of her pillow while she was sleeping! She bought my story and all was well.
I have played the craziest tricks and told the wildest stories to my older set of children on why the tooth fairy forgot.
My 2nd son swallowed one of his teeth and I suggested he write a note and leave it under his pillow. The TF forgot and I told him, it's probably because he couldn't read the handwriting. So in his best handwriting he left another one and he got 2 whole dolloars 1 for the tooth and the other for good handwriting...
The funniest is explaing why the tooth fairy went from dollars to quarters and then to quarter... Dollars for the first ones, quarters for the next and after that it's just a quarter!! Lots of children in world.. you know! :P
How about going to bed before putting out the hidden easter baskets and waking up to a disgruntled 7 year old throwing his hands up in the air yelling "but I was good!!!!" Although, for the adults, that morning was hilarious...not so much for the kids.
Yeah, one day I woke up to a crying son, and I actually slipped the money under his pillow while he was crying. But, hey! It worked!
This happened to me as a child. A little while later my dad said the tooth fairy accidentally left the money under HIS pillow, inside an envelope with a note about what a good girl I was, in my dad's perfect handwriting :)
Our Tooth Fairy is sooooo slow. She's always really busy. The kids know how many kids in their grade are loosing teeth, so they understand, once. I told my boys one time that the Tooth Fairy couldn't come because their room was too messy.
My Dad sat wide eyed at the breakfast table as I ecstatically showed him what the tooth fairy had left. A $50 dollar bill!!! I was beyond excited and had made big plans. BIG plans i tell ya! My Dad explained the tooth fairy made a mistake in the dark and meant to leave $5 not $50. I watched my big plans slip away with my innocence as I realized not only did the tooth fairy not exsist (it was Dad the whole time?!) but I had to cancel the big plans. Crushing on so many levels.
Our Tooth Fairy occasionally takes a week to show up. Baby now gets foreign money because that's much easier to find than a real gold dollar. Middle Child (now 12) keeps reminding us that he has a tooth under his pillow for the Tooth Fairy; I think its only been three months since he lost it. What's he in such a hurry for?
My daughter age 6, LOVES to tell people that she pukked her own tooth. When they ask her if the tooth Fairy came to see her se says, "No, but mom gave me money anyway." They always give me that disappointed look. OH WELL!
I remember as a child the tooth fairy not coming for months one time. All of us kids (5 girls) were loosing our teeth and there were envelopes with little teeth all over the place! We were so sad that the tooth fairy didn't come and then one day the movie Aladdin showed up with a hand written note from the tooth fairy explaining that she had been very sick for the last few months and thought that instead of giving money, she would buy us a new movie that she thought we would love.
Very clever tooth fairy. Very clever.
I never remember the Tooth Fairy forgetting me when I was growing up, but I very clearly remember the day I found out she was my mom. I walked in to proudly show my mom the most recently lost tooth. She grabbed it, tossed it in the trash and told me to grab her purse! I was crushed!!
We've not only had an absent-minded tooth fairy but also easter bunny this year. We used the excuse that we were on vacation and he must have gotten lost and would probably come while we were at church. When we returned, our oldest went to see if the bunny had finally found us and came back saying, "Mom! The easter bunny is so fired!" LOL.
I've figured out how to slip tooth fairy money under the pillow as I'm tucking the child in bed so I don't have to worry about forgetting. Risky- but it's working!
The toothfairy forgot to come visit me the week my younger sister was born. Turns out, the tooth fairy's wife had a baby that week too. Can you believe it? Sadly, at 6 years old, I just thought it was sooooo cool that we had something in common with the toothfairy. But I'm ok, no harm done. Well, I guess that depends on who you ask, but I think I'm ok.
Melissa in Durham
growing up we left our lost teeth in a cup of water on the counter for the tooth fairy to swap the tooth for change. We have tried that with our children. Usually the tooth fairy is good to remember as he/she is making final rounds to turn lights off before bed. Sometimes the tooth fairy just plain forgets, but more than once she threw the tooth out as she was cleaning up and forgot the tooth was there. . . we have a high powered disposal, I must say! (The child would sometimes leave the tooth in a colored plastic cup, so how was the tooth fairy to know?!?) We have written more than one note to the tooth fairy explaining that mom accidently threw the tooth away into the disposal and could she just leave the money on the counter. That tooth fairy must be getting older!!
oh OUR tooth fairy NEVER forgets! She is awesome. There have been sometimes when she didn't take a tooth and a boy couldn't find his money. BUT in all three instances it was because the boy had held on to the tooth back so tightly that the tooth fairy couldn't pry it from his hands and the money had on those same nights fallen in between the mattress and the sideboard where boy had not looked ;)
Too funny!
Tooth fairy always forgets in our house....My kids actually hope she forgets so they can get double the money the next night. :)
My kids filed a complaint against the tooth fairy with our dentist. Not only does she consistenly overlook our house for days on end, she never seems to leave as much at our house as at friends houses....my kids are lucky to get a buck, but some of their friends get toys and video games.
Our tooth fairy made the mistake of giving gold $1 coins for each tooth, which are somewhat unusual. Unless, of course, you buy stamps from the vending machine at the post office after hours... because when you put in a $10 bill, it spits out two gold dollars. ;)
Even so, *yes*... the tooth fairy has forgotten, not one night, but *two* nights in a row at our house. The last tooth that was lost was stuck under a pillow with a note attached: "Tooth Fairy: Please sign here to show recceet ___" They laughed for 30 minutes the next morning to discover their pretty, bewinged and sparkly tooth fairy was named Ralph. Hey, EOE and all...
Okay, just the fact that there are 60 some odd comments makes me feel TONS better! Our tooth fairy has even been written a nasty note by our oldest.
Oh yes. We've had 30+ teeth fall out here so far and we've forgotten more than once. We still leave just a quarter (we're still on 1980s rates). The one quarter was from Florida so we said she was flying all the way from Florida and it took her 2 days. Another time I said the overnight snowfall had slowed her down. Another time I did just what you did--slipped it under in the morning and asked her to look again. I'm sorry, but after 30+ times, it's just not that exciting anymore!!! And we've got probably 40+ to go....
My 13 yr old just lost (hopefully) her last tooth and didn't say anything about putting it under her pillow. She awakened the next day and said..."I guess the fairy stops coming when you are 13" I asked about it and she said " I have put my tooth under my pillow for three nights and she hasn't shown" OOOOPPPPSSS.
One time our tooth fairy left a letter (on a one inch square of paper) explaining that she was a day late because she had been held up on a dangerous job collecting teeth from a baby tiger. My animal-crazy daughter was thrilled to know that the tooth fairy also collects animal teeth!!
I was so good with my first child. Hubby sucks at all things like this. We have forgoten before and felt like a big jerk. At least the child didn't cry. I will say I remembered on day 2!
Note to self, remember to come up with a good excuse as to why the tooth fairy didn't come or be prepared in advance...
Top Ender is more worried at the moment that "EVERYONE" has lost a tooth apart from her.
So not true! (I called the tooth fairy to check...)
we ALWAYS forget about the tooth fairy. We told our kids that she has a whole week to drop off the money in exchange for the tooth. We also told our little ones that sometimes she comes when they are at school. Terrible thing that tooth fairy is!
Not only does the Tooth Fairy forget sometimes - she leaves hilarious notes! You can see a sample of her handwriting here - http://qtmomcreations.blogspot.com/2009/08/tooth-fairy-new-car-and-get-better-card.html
I think we have the same tooth fairy. I blogged about it here.
Our Tooth-Fairy has a teeth limit of 6 per mouth. After the 6th tooth has fallen out, she doesn't come around anymore! So far, my eldest daughter is on number 5 and the others have yet to loose any.
LOL! Once we had to leave the tooth fairy a note because beloved child lost the tooth at the playground at pre-school. And once, Santa didn't have time to set up the gifts because his back was out . . . We've all been there.
Yup, the tooth fairy currently owes my oldest daughter (12, almost 13 and still believes) because her room is so covered with clothes that I couldn't get to her bed without waking her up. She has been told that the tooth fairy won't come to a dirty bedroom.
When my #4 lost her 1st tooth, the tooth fairy forgot to come. Luckliy, the Easter Bunny dragged her along a few nights later. It has happened so often around here, that my kids have given up. I currently have 5 teeth sitting in baggies that fell out in recent weeks....nobody has bothered to cash in on them.
We forget all the time!
What a hoot! Our tooth fairy forgot to take the tooth. It was a huge party foul! My son has recently lost three teeth so she is working overtime here!
The tooth fairy has NEVER come on the appropriate night at our house, at all, but luckily our kids are pretty dumb and it doesn't take much sleight of hand to convince them that the quarters had been there all along. Parenting is way harder than it looks.
Of course the tooth fairy forgot in our house. It got to the point where the kids were happy when they tooth fairy forgot because then they'd get double the next night!
My kids know not to expect the tooth fairy for atleast 3 days. She NEVER makes it sooner than that! Love your blog, btw!
The tooth fairy came one night but couldn't find the tooth. Looked everywhere! Couldn't find it. Our daughter wrote a note to the tooth fairy the next night. "Dear tooth fairy... I really did lose my tooth, you can look in my mouth and see if you want. Can you please leave some money anyways.. i think my mom and dad are a little short."
I used to forget all the time. I would quickly sneak into the bathroom and leave the money next to their toothbrush. When they found it I would say, 'hmmm, the tooth fairy must be trying to send you a message. Maybe she didn't take your tooth because it was so dirty.'
We have forgotten numerous times. We always tell the kids that we forgot to unlock the back door and the fairy was unable to get in the house.
The best story in our house is when my daughter lost a tooth and wrote a letter to the tooth fairy asking for GIFTS. (ie: games for her ds, an ipod) She wrote, "please don't leave a $1. Guess what the tooth fairy left? 99cents.
My tooth fairy doesn't work on Wednesdays...
Or Sundays for that matter...
Not to worry, we have a forgetful and devious tooth fairy around these parts. This is our tooth fairy story, if you would like to compare notes: http://fairlyscrumptious.blogspot.com/2008/11/funny-story.html
I've never commented on here before, but I had to throw my two cents in on this one. Our tooth fairy is horrible! It was so bad that one day after my daughter had been neglected for 2 nights, I found her on the computer doing "research on legendary figures". (her words-age 8)
No kids yet, but I was forgotten by the tooth fairy once. I came into my parents' room crying at 8:00 am on a Saturday morning. They told me the tooth fairy sleeps in on weekends. My mom got up to "check on my sister," then came back two minutes later and told me I should go check again. Viola, three beautiful dollars waiting under my pillow.
the tooth fairy forgets all to often to drop by our house. So we started telling the kids that the tooth fairy likes to hide the money from them so they have to search for it. This gives us a chance to put the money in really odd locations and just say they didnt look good enough yet.
Oh, yeah...you are not alone in this one...and yes, a forgetful tooth fairy always pays interest. Guilt is a terrible thing!
The tooth fairy is always late in our house but she was never expected to be here the very day. We (I) send her an email to let her know there is a package waiting and the next time she is in town she picks up and drops of 2 $1 coins!
Moms should always find ways to take the pressure off ourselves, and kids need practice waiting for good things to happen!
Yes, just last Monday in fact. Check my blog for the whole story, but she didn't want the tooth fairy to visit so didn't check when she woke up. So I was able to sneak in while she went down for breakfast!
Yep. Our toothfairy forgot once . . . but we figured out why when she brought back a tiny Eiffel Tower pendant to show that she'd been flying for a very, very long time--about 72 hours or so.
All the time! I found out it was a family tradition. When we grew up, we put our tooth in a glass of water by the kitchen sink. The tooth fairy would replace the tooth with a quarter. Turns out my mom always drank a glass of water before bed and this was her reminder.
interThe first time the tooth fairy forgot me, I attributed it to being a Sunday, and of course the tooth fairy wouldn't break the Sabbath!! Until my brother got his money on a Sunday.... That was confusing....
My daughter was a little bit older when she had lost a tooth. We totally forgot to put money under the pillow. I thought man she is old enough to know the truth I will tell her the tooth fairy is not "real" and just give her some cash. But I didnt want her running around telling all the kids in the nieghborhood, ya know?.
So "Kylie your dad is the tooth fairy, but its a secret, you cant tell anyone okay?" She takes it really well, takes the money. I am relieved.. done deal right?
Later that day she is telling everyone who will listen
"My dad IS the tooth fairy"
She literally thought I meant he WAS flying around leaving kids all over the world cash for the teeth under thier pillows.
Yep. When she went to the bathroom (in tears), I snuck $2 *in quarters* (the only cash in the house) into her pillow case and suggested she check again.
surprisingly, she no longer believes in the tooth fairy.
OMGoodness, thanks for the reminder...it has been 4 days....I need to run some $$$$ upstairs right now!!!!!!
This is too funny. I told my husband and he thought it was hilarious. Never happened to either of us but I can see it happening in the future with the little one.
of course the tooth fairy has forgotten because she is very busy!! Unfortunately (for me), in our house, when the tooth fairy forgets...she pays double the next night!! My kids always hopes she forgets ;-))
all the time.
The tooth fairy often forgot me as a child. I was the youngest, and after she finished with my older siblings I suppose she grew tired of the "take a tooth, leave a dollar" routine. I, like your daugher, left reminder notes!
I told my kids that the toothfairy doesn't know automatically that the tooth has been put under the pillow. You have to yell really loud "I AM PUTTING MY TOOTH UNDER THE PILLOW TOOTH FAIRY!!!" then usually you will get results...but strangely enough the tooth fairy still struggles around here? Weird.
I think that she has forgotten more than she has remembered for the last few teeth. Fortunately, my kids have a habit of forgetting to put the tooth under the pillow for days on end so when she ultimately forgets (because it's been so long!) we tell them that the toothfairy just gave up!
by child #5... the tooth fairy was really getting too old to even try to remember that someone had lost a tooth...
when child #5 announced to me that the tooth fairy had forgotten for the 5th night in a row, I admitted that the tooth fairy had left me responsible for this one-- quickly grabbed some cash out of my wallet and handed it over! From that point on she has just come up, shown me the tooth and I hand over the cash.
Why didn't I think of that with child #1!!!
yes tooth fairy forgot mine, too. After the 2nd or 3rd time I just handed them the cash in the morning.
Oh yes, we have a bum tooth fairy around here. The last time there was some hasty discussion about a deadbeat fairy and a holiday weekend...
We forgot three nights in a row and then instead of US money we accidently pulled out the Brazilian money that was in there from a trip a year ago. Thankfully my son thought the money was so cool.
Yes, did that with our daughter Robyn.....our excuse was that it was soo late in the evening when she lost her tooth that the information must not have reached the tooth fairy before she left to deliever for the night.
Yes, several times until we just had to tell them the awful truth...the Tooth Fairy is just plain lazy.
Our tooth fairy is the worst! Sometimes she drinks too much wine, or gets caught up in her reality tv. She never gets it right the first night. Then we are awakened to the sound of "THE TOOTH FAIRY DIDN'T COME!" Ack! She did it again, darnit!
Ha ha ha!!! That same thing has happened with me several times! On my fourth child, my son came into the room early saying that the tooth fairy had forgotten (again) ... I just said, "The tooth fairy isn't real. I will give you some money later." Poor little guy!
Ok, this EXACT story happened to me, but I was the kid. When I came downstairs the second morning and whined to my dad that the tooth fairy forgot again, he proceeded to walk up the stairs, audibly shuffle around the coinage in his coin box, walk across the squeaky hallway to my room, and then come back downstairs and ask "are you SURE the tooth fairy didn't come? Why don't you check again?"
And from that day on, the tooth fairy became "the dad fairy" (poor dad.) At least I got a quarter out of all my long-suffering.
My husband is normally the one who takes care of the "tooth fairy" business in our house but in 2007he was deployed to Iraq for 14 months and the job fell on me. Needless to say I was a terrible tooth fairy. After the second missed night I told the kids the male tooth fairy was transferrd and apparently his replacement wasn't very good yet. It got so bad that the kids and I agreed to fire our current tooth fairy and hope the next one was better. Lucky for me my husband came home and took over. The kids were very pleased when the "new" fairy did a great job.
You really make me laugh! The Tooth fairy has forgotten in our home too...super funny...but she was really busy and my daughter just happened to wake before she came and the tooth fairy only comes when they are asleep....so she just had to wait!!!! patiently! lol!
LOL forgetful tooth fairy raises her hand over here! Luckily thanks to quick thinking we were able to say the tooth fairy's tooth bag must have been full. The next morning the tooth fairy left a note saying they were an honorary member in the tooth fairy club for being so patient and understanding along with double her usual pay ;P
Wow - I feel so much better knowing I am not alone. When my daughter burst into my room this morning in tears because the tooth fairy forgot about her I wanted to die. All day I have felt like a hugh heal - so tonight I thought I would look for a letter of explanation from the tooth fairy regarding her wherabouts - and here I am - thank you - thank you - thank you - I now know I am not the worst mother in the world...
The tooth fairy is indeed a very busy person!
At least that's what I've heard from sister who had twin daughters. Sarah, her 3 year old daughter lost a tooth the other night and she was very hopeful that the tooth fairy would come to our house that night to pay for her tooth. Unfortunately, the 'tooth fairy' overslept and forgot to place the 2 dollar bills underneath her pillow. She was able to give it the next night. This time, she told her twin that she's on top of the tooth fairy's list that day. It's definitely fun to see her daughter brag about it to her twin sister.
Definitely, the 'tooth fairy' incites the creative minds of most parents.
I don't have time to read all the comments, but you're NOT alone. The Tooth Fairy has forgotten to come several times in our house. And I'm cheap - my kids get the same amount I got as a kid. $1 for the first tooth and $.25 each additional tooth. :)
My 6 year old who is currently losing teeth has a serious fascination with the Tooth Fairy. She even wrote her a letter one time telling her that she thought she should bring gifts - like toothbrushes and things like that. The next time she lost a tooth she got a fairy toothbrush along with her quarter and a note from the Tooth Fairy saying that because she is so busy and it wouldn't be fair to bring gifts to only my daughter, she wouldn't be getting anymore gifts. Lol.
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