I avoid holding conversations with most people I know, but will go out of my way to talk to complete strangers.
That's one of the things that my husband likes best about me.
Last week, I went up to a young woman at Target who had particularly attractive locks and asked her how she got them that way. The woman-child looked at me like I was her mother. "I used something called a curling iron," she said flatly.
Fortunately, I have heard of those. Unfortunately, I haven't used one since the sixth grade.
I wanted to buy all the curling irons at Wal Mart, but my husband suggested that I just start with one. Of course, I chose the one that made me look like Little Orphan Annie.
"How am I supposed to know these things?" I hissed.
When I was growing up, I skipped a few stages of development. "Hair and Makeup" is the most noticeable.
What I need is a personal stylist. Or a sister who is an aspiring Gap model. I have one of the latter, but the last time I talked to her, she suggested that I wear dress pants and a silk blouse to the grocery store. "You'll feel so much better about yourself," she promised.
Needless to say, I haven't spoken to that sister in awhile.
A few hours ago, I returned to Wal Mart to look at the curling irons. I intended to buy one with a bigger barrel, but in the end, I brought home something that is guaranteed to make me feel like the opposite of a Gap model:

I'll let you know how it goes.
"The difference between Target and Walmart is that you have to dress up to go to Target."
Wanna know the best way to curl your hair and it lasts forever! Using a flat iron! It takes forever to get use to it but here's a little clip that I saw that shows how.. there's lots more on you tube..
I remember using rollers like those on my older sister's hair when she was in high school! Like you, she was shall we say, "hair-challenged"? She got a personal stylist in me, her little sister. Oh the things we do to appease the bullies...
Nyshamurray is right, flat irons rock for curling (counterintuitive, I know), but for a beginner I say stick with the hot rollers. Also post pictures. Preferably of Little Orphan Annie as well.
(Did you ever think total strangers would be so fascinated by how you do your hair? You should start a blog!)
Here is the best trick to get perfect curls.
Buy a small one inch curling iron (I use a spiral one). The divide your hair into three sections horizontally.
Start with the bottom section take small little chunks (like 1 inch) and start closest to your head and wrap it around the curling iron- until you get to the end. DO NOT CLAMP IT!
Just hold the end of your hair for about 10-15 seconds. Let go and voila!! The perfect curls.
I promise.
It takes a few times to get the hang of it- but it is SO worth it. My stylist taught me that trick and I swear, total strangers have come up to me and said they love my hair that way.
Try the Annie Curling Iron again, if it is what I'm thinking about, it's one of my favorite ways to do my hair: Take a 1" section of hair and hold it at the end. Leave the clamp of the iron closed, and wrap the piece of hair around it starting close to your scalp. Hold it for a few seconds and then let it fall, and continue the rest the same way, alternating the direction you wrap the hair around the iron (or you can go all the same direction, and then at the end, lightly comb it with a wide-toothed comb and it will give you big fabulous waves). The hardest thing about it is figuring out how to do the curls around your face, but you will get the hang of it! Hope it helps, and have fun! :)
I am jealous you don't have to use a curling iron. You're gorgeous!
After about two years of wistfully looking at them I finally bought a straightener thingy. I managed to straighten one section of hair with it. Hubby had a go with the rest of that side of the head (cause it looks SO EASY on tv and in the magazines so why couldn't I do it?) and gave up before he finished the side as well. Straightener has sat in the drawer ever since..... Am NOT going to go near a curling iron EVER!!!!!
Just stumbled across your blog and I love how wonderfully brilliant and funny it is. If I ever have kids, I only hope I can manage everything half as well, and with half as much humor.
But more to the point of this post, I'd always wanted loose, springy curls when I was growing up. (Getting a perm definitely was NOT the way to go!) Very curious to know how this works for you, and if it's worth the time and effort! (Sadly, when it comes to things like make-up and hair, laziness and sleep often win over vanity... and presentability.)
here is a tutorial from a fashion blog i kind of like on how to do waves with a curling iron. maybe you can get some helpful tips?
I am also a curling iron failure! Most of the time my hair ends up in a pony tail.
I just can't get over the rudeness of the lady! I would have said, "I'm giving you a compliment and asking you politely, something you might call manners." Of course, I also would have wanted to add, "oh, and you have a big kink in the back, but I looked beyond that," but my mother taught me better.
I use this with my 12yo daughter and they're great. They're spiral curlers I put in at night when her hair is wet. Cuts down on how much heat she uses to style her hair. Yes, she is very much into styling her hair. Funny how they go from resisting and lying about the last time they washed their hair into being obsessed about it. :-)
Leslie, I really hope thats true. My daughter is 10 now and I'm always lecturing her to wash her hair. She doesn't ever look like she got it clean. To be honest I been worried I'm not teaching her good enough hygeine skills.
I think God gave me boys because I have no idea how to "do hair".
I just bought another pack of hot rollers for the first time in 20 years and I love them! Much faster and easier than a curling iron and my hair looks great.
My girls loved hot rollers. Actually we used the spongy rollers, and put them in at night and made them sleep in them. They guarenteeing-ly (yes, I did just make that word up) woke up to Little orphan Annie.
Check out this blogger's post:
She makes it look soooo easy! :)
Love your blog, by the way! I check it every single day!
I love your blog! I also have ibd and was wondering if you'd ever be willing to share your crohn's journey and how you're feeling now about it. Hope you're feeling well!!
you could use wash N curl. it washes curls in somehow.
OR you can wash your hair at night, before bed, and do a french braid or two longer side simple braids and sleep. you'd have waves at least?
bigger barrel curling irons = looser big curls
smaller = tighter curls
I'm pretty sure I missed those same developmental stages. I finally solved the hair issue by chopping it all off. My hair is now an inch long and takes two minutes with a squirt of gel each morning. I will never go back. Makeup still baffles me, though.
And I think God has a wicked sense of humor, because He gave me all girls.
I just bought some white sponge rollers at Target - conair brand. They work awesome! Comfy & no weird lines like the old pink ones my mom used on me as a kid. & bonus they were only $10! I also have hot rollers but they don't seem to keep the curl as well.
Good Luck with your hair adventure!
Love Love Love your blog!
For big, loose curls I like the Caruso steam rollers (you can find them on Amazon) because they are actually GOOD for your hair. And they keep the curl longer than regular hot rollers. My hair was sooo healthy when I used those daily.
My daughter is 7 and has superfine, straight hair and the only curling iron I found that would curl her hair (and STAY curled) is the HerStyler Baby Grande curling iron. It's a different concept because there's no clamp: you just twist the hair around the rod, hold for 3 seconds, then let go. It comes with a glove you can use if you are worried about getting burned. I know it sounds crazy, but now that I've seen what it can do for my daughter's hair, I'm a believer. I use it for my hair now.
Okay, didn't mean to leave such a long post (and just so you know, I didn't know the proper way to use a regular curling iron until a stylist showed me when I was 30).
I like to braid my hair when it's wet, let it dry, then curl just a few pieces with the smaller barrel curling iron, run my fingers through, shake it out, and have that "windblown" look. Good luck!
Search on youtube for curling tutorials. There are so many of them and they are really helpful. Also I agree with the people above about the flat irons. They create really pretty waves/curls that last all day.
There are TONS of youtube videos for this! Start at the bottom and work your way up,I use the clamp, wrap your hair around it starting at the root and move down, slide it through the ends quickly to avoid fish hooks. I always curl away from my face. It takes some practice but it's easy once you figure it out!
ive used a curling iron for 15 years {seriously. horribly thin straight hair.. curling iron = my best friend}.
my FAVORITE is the conair instant heat {1.5 inch barrel}
i seperate into 3 sections {lower, middle and top} proceed to create about 5 curls on each layer.
most important part...
start in the middle and leave about a half inch to an inch out on the bottom.
unravel and your set.
seriously. most natural ever.
i also spray hairspray {and replace the hairspray coated iron once every couple years}
best 20 bucks spent.
I really want to be someone that uses velcro rollers, but I can't figure them out. Please let us know how it goes! I'll be really impressed if you master it...I need tips!
So glad I am not the only one!
You'll have to show us pictures! I sort of missed the hair and makeup stage of growing up and constantly need help in that department. Good luck!
Here try this!! I did it last night and My hair looked like I spent hours curling it and had several compliments. It looks tricky but it works!
My friend has a great blog, complete with tutorials, on hair, makeup, and fashion. www.pinkpistachio.com
I am SO glad I'm not the only one who missed Hair and Makeup growing up!!! And I'll tell you - I used rollers for Halloween one year (house coat, bunny slippers and rollers =awesome frumpy costume) - Holy Bouffant I looked like Betty Draper when I took them out :)
Haha! I can totally relate to this post! I missed the hair and makeup stage too. Well, I guess I didn't actually miss it, I just caught it at the end of the 80s...that doesn't count.
At this point, I have a hard time seeing the point of dressing uncomfortably and putting itchy goop on my face to go anywhere but church. It's not worth the effort.
I feel we should be friends. I talk to random strangers and have no idea how to do my hair.
And my sister usually does my hair and makeup. She's 16. I'm 22. Oy vey.
Curling iron is one of my favorite product and i like to do some trick to make it curly
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