Wanna guess where this photo was taken?
I'll give you a clue: It's not where you think.
Believe it or not, these photos were taken at a Sears Portrait Studio in the mall! Armed with fancy new digital cameras and high-tech photo editing programs, your local Sears photographers are equipped to take some wonderfully gorgeous photos of your family....in a short period of time...in a convenient and familiar place...with minimal trauma to mother and child.
When we got our photographs taken last week, Cameron spit up on the photographer four times, Kellen wouldn't sit still, Cortlen wouldn't stop inquiring about the bag of candy in my purse, and Camber struggled mightily against the urge to clench her jaw into a bizarre forced smile. Despite these challenges and many others which I will not name, my team of photographers did a fabulous job of capturing my kids at their best...and silliest...and most serious.

I'm proud to be teaming up with Sears Portrait Studio to offer one lucky winner the Silver Portrait Collection worth $260!

- 10 custom mix and match portrait sheets
- 2 collage/composite portrait sheets of your choice (one of the many options is featured above)
- 1- 10x13 wall portrait
- up to 10 standard enhancements such as black & white, sepia, vignettes, and borders.
- A CD of ALL of your original images with accompanying copyrights.
Want a coupon for a free 10x13? Click HERE.
Want to find out about promotions and special offers from Sears Portrait Studio? Join the Sears Portrait Studio Fan Club on Facebook.
1 – 200 of 586 Newer› Newest»My baby is 15 months old and we've never had professional pictures taken as a family. I'd love to win this package! And BTW, I love reading your blog- it always cracks me up!
What a great prize. So glad they were able to work with your brood to get some good pictures.
Omigosh!!! My family is a long-time user of Sears Portrait Studios, and we love the quality. It's true, they are very good with kids, and the pictures always come out how you want them. I would love to have this prize for my family, it would mean so much! Imagine all the Christmas, Easter, and other pictures you could take/send to family with that!
What an awesome contest! I really need to get pictures for my baby's first birthday, so this would be fantastic!
Me! Me! Me! :) Thanks, Silvia, for making me feel less like the the worst mom in the world since I've never had pictures taken of my child and he's 14 months old! I thought I was the only one. Winning this prize would be amazing!
When my twins were growing up, I had all their pictures taken at Sears. Great job, great prices.
Now that I'm a new grandma of 2, I would love a picture of them.
This would be great. 1st baby on the way. Perfect opp to get the family portrait.
i would LOVE to win this package. Sears does an amazing job! Your pics look great.
I would love this package! Every time we think about pictures I cringe at what it is going to cost...I'd love to just enjoy the experience!
What a great giveaway! Having a photographer who could handle my active 2-year-old son would be amazing!
Jody at Green Acres in PA
I would absolutley LOVE to win this Giveaway! My daughter is 2 and nothing short of a tomboy but with an absolutely BIG heart full of affection. I'd be thrilled to win this and see how a professional photographer can capture all the emotions and charisma of my little girl.
Love Sears for pictures but have never gotten more than the package with a coupon from the Sunday paper. Might be time to upgrade!
Perfect timing! I could get my sons birthday pictures made! Pick me!!! Pick me!!!!
I smell a Christmas present for my parents from their 5 children!
I would love to win this!! I've been bugging my husband to take family pictures since our twins were six months old (They're 15 months now)
I would love to win this. I can never have enough pictures of my daughter!
I would love this package. My kids are growing soo fast and want to capture every moment.
never tried Sears...you just gave me a reason!
I haven't had professional portraits done of the kids in AGES!! This would be so great!
We are very overdue for some professional family and kid portraits. This would be great!!
Thanks for the great give-aways.
I want to win! We needs new pictures!
It's that time of year yet again when I get the yearly photos taken. This year I'll be able to include baby 3. Would love to win the prize and save my budget!
We used to use Olan Mills - until the one, and last time I took my daughter there and the photographer should not have even been allowed to photograph rocks.
Next time, we went to Sears - and it was great!!! Have been going there every since. And, your contest has great timing as I need to have my daughters 2nd b-day pics done.
Awesome pics!
Adorable pictures! Love the collage!
This would be a great way for us to try out a new photographer. We are looking to change studios and I have always wanted to try out Sears. The pics on the site look great!
New baby coming soon=time for family pics again! Would love to win!
New baby coming, nudge nudge wink wink, this would be wonderful!! Remember, 5th one, very poor, big surprise! PLEEEAAASE Pick me!
i love sears portraits! my most precious picture of my children was taken at sears. (i was as shocked as anyone!) what a fantastic giveaway!
Wow! This ain't the Sears of olden times that I am used to! Count me in!
Would love to get some updated Fall pictures of my son. Your pics are really cute!
Any excuse to get my boys' pictures taken, I'm all about! How Fantastic to team up with Sears for this contest!
I'm a big fan of your blog Jana, just been stalking it for so long, and now finally getting the chance to comment! :)
Pick me Pick me!! my parents would love some pictures of the grandkids other then wallet size!
Pick me! We need family pictures done bad!
This is great! I'd love to win.
I always love your giveaways! One day I might win! (fingers crossed)
I have a 5, 3, and 1 year old, so taking pictures is, well, an experience- so to have it paid for is a dream!
Felicia Downs
We've got a 4 month old who's never had professional photos taken. I love the collages! Hope we win.
I have used Sears for years. Love the work that they do. Would love to win this package.
I would love a Photoshoot, and how great that it includes the CD!.
~Lisa - goldeelox9@yahoo.com
Love your blog and love pics of my 3 1/2 yr. old daughter so I'd love to win this prize!
We would love to have this package. One of my twins refuses to cooperate and we never get any good poses. We get screaming poses and crying poses...everytime. It would be nice to not have to pay for the screamers. If you don't believe me check out my blog!
We still don't have any professional pictures of my 8 month old little boy - this would be perfect!
My five year old does the forced smile thing too--what is that about? This might be enough pictures to actually catch a true emotion!
sylviarj at yahoo dot com
Would love to win to have a pic of all three of my kids before my oldest goes to college this year :(
Love your blog... I can relate so much to the things you do. :)
Angie H.
Soso, MS
We would love to win this package. It would be nice to document for our family members that our little girl, now 2, really does exist. We don't have any family pictures with her in it-oops.
Free pictures?! Heck yes!
I love Sears portrait studio. They sure beat Wal-Mart, that's for sure!
Just posted it! http://ethanzachemma.blogspot.com/2009/08/funeral-flowers.html
Definitely need these! Getting my daughters pictures taken is so expensive because she has the audacity to look adorable in every single frame!! Love the BMV blog!
Would love to win! By the way, your pics look great!
My husband and I have been married almost 15 years and we have not been successful EVER of getting a good family portrait. We would love to have the chance to try. I read your blog daily, and think you are a great person, and an amazing mom.......
My son is 2 1/2 and I haven't had pics since he was 1. I know. I'm pathetic. All my friends get monthly pics of their kids. Our second is due in a couple months so I could use this to take some great pics of both boys.
Plus I've been up the past 4 nights coughing my guts up instead of sleeping with the worst cold I've ever had... while 28 weeks pregnant... and working... and I'm so freakin' tired. I could really use some good news:)
I would love something like this! I've got a 3 yo and 1 yo twins, and really need to get around to doing their pictures.
Your pictures turned out very nice. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that my kids won't try to beat each other up while the photographer takes pictures.
Enter me please! I would love to win!
I love Sears! And I have a have a little one on the way! This would be so wonderful for Christmas! :)
OHHH COOL!!! I have two little girls 6 and 2 and I actually tried to do my own professional pictures...and it was a bust. I blogged about the disaster. Anyway...this would be awesome! My girls are good for other people to take their photos just not me. I'd love some family pictures of all of us. Thanks for the opportunity!
How fun! I love your blog, it's always full of amazing information and incredible givaways! Thanks! I hope we win!
My son is as old as your little one and I havent taken one professional picture of his. I thought i was so bad..but glad to know i am not alone !
I'd LOVE to win this portrait package. We've not had a family picture taken since our daughter was born 16 months ago. Thanks for the chance to win a fantastic prize! :)
If you can do it, I guess I could at least TRY! Four kids + professional photography = hypertension for The Mommy! We haven't attempted this yet...
Could always use a great family pick. Thanks
this would be fabulous for the upcoming holiday season. Oh' HOW I HOPE I win. I would love it! Thanks!
Wow, awesome contest! Charlie is so cute people stop me in the street to coment, including teenagers and middle-aged MEN! (which is creepy, sometimes) But anyway, I would love to capture this stage of her life professionally, because although I take a zillion pics, none of them are polished. Thanks for the opportunity. www.ethiopian-adoption-journey.blogspot.com I will link to your contest, thanks.
I love Sears! I get my kids pics done every 6 months and have never had a bad shoot - I'd love some free stuff for November :)!
I have 3 boys and I would love to have their pictures done professionally! Hope I win.
I had an awful experience at our last family portraits....I would love to give Sears a shot!
This would be great for my baby's 1 year old portraits! Great pics of your young ones! :)
I have a 9 month old and am 5 months pregnant with my second! We haven't ever had professional pictures taken as a family and this would be the perfect time to do it!
I'd like to try Sears! Pick me!
OH, we were going to take pictures last week, then one of our twins decided to play slip and slide with his bike in the gravel driveway. We always go to Sears, they do such a great job! Glad they worked out for you too!
I linked to you on my blog :)
I've avoided portrait studios for a while now...it would be nice to actually have some decent pics of my kids!
We have never had a family portrait taken; if I win this contest it will be like a sign from heaven that I need to suck it up an document the downward spiral of my looks for my kid's benefit.
Would LOVE to try out Sears! My daughter needs her picture taken before the new baby arrives!!! Great give away!
We are so overdue for updated photos of the kids. If Sears can handle it, this would be great!
My baby just turned two and it is time to get his pictures done again.....what perfect timing!!!
Wow, those were great pics! I took the kids to Sears for Christmas pics one year and it was the worst experience ever! So, I honestly am hesitant to enter the contest. I guess it would be nice to see if things have changed from 10+ years ago. My youngest is due for some professional pics since his last one was at least 2 years ago. Sign me up :)
I'm a 1st time poster & LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog. Please please pick me. I'm the mom of 5 1/2 year old twin girls and 4 year old twin girls and would LOVE to have their photos taken professionally. The last time I took all 4 of them was over 3 years ago and I haven't been the same since. I would love to try it again (for free!!!!)
This is our only option in our small town. Usually I drive 35 miles to go elsewhere but perhaps I should try the local.
I have been using Sears Potrait Studio for my baby starting at 3 months. All of pictures have been fabulous. They are patient, kind, and caring. I always have the hardest time picking my favorites. Of course, I would like them all but that would break the bank! My son seems to stop smiling everytime anyone takes out a camera. They ALWAYS find a way to get those chubby cheeks and gummy smile for our memory book.
This a fantastic giveaway and the winner will no doubt be satisfied.
Wonderful giveaway for whoever wins it! Thanks!!
Posted it on my site too! :) Good luck to me! LOLOLOLOL
I would love to have professional photos done for my little girl. Maybe someone can get her to smile big and beautiful!
I'm so in! We've only taken photos of our 2.5 yr old once. Never mind the 400 digital photos I snap every month here at home. :)
I'm a loyal Sears Photo customer and I'd love to have some new family photos!
O.K, so I have 5 kids and my youngest 2 haven't ever had pictures taken professionally, while the first 2 had them taken every few months, and the middle one just cried every time so I didn't even try!!! I'm a horrible mother. So, we could really use this. :) And thanks so much for giving me laughter in my day!!
enter me please!
Count me in!
Awesome prize!! I would love to win it!!
Aubri Larson
We haven't had pics taken as a family since my son was 5 months old...he's 4 now.....oops.
count me in! I go to a competitor but have heard good things about them. I have four kids that need photos!
You are very witty!
Such cute pictures! I'd love to try and catch my four looking as cute. Thanks for the contest.
I love to have professional pictures taken of my son, but they are always so expensive. Mostly because you want to buy all of them when they come out good :) Thanks for the opportunity!
I would love this! Then I could send some pictures of our girls to my husband in Iraq. I still don't have a single picture of all three of them together....pathetic!
Okay I suck I have not had my boys pictures taken in 2 years. Their birthdays are next month maybe this will motivate me to get them done
Awesome giveaway. With baby two due in Oct and the holidays coming up this would be great for our family.
We sure need a family photo.
JcPenny also does good, but I would love to try Sears. Sign me up.
I am about to have a baby girl, and it would be great to have her first pictures taken by a professional for the Christmas letter.
we are SOOO in desperate need of a family pick. I'll try my luck!
We have "definitely been there, done that" when it comes to the craziness of having pictures taken. Pleeeeeeeease pick me!
In todays economy, it seems like taking pictures has moved to the bottom of the list of things to do. This would be great.
Super cute. We have never had Sears photograph our family. What a great offer. Thank you!
I am planning on getting professional pics for my little one's 1st birthday. This would be great to win so I can spend the money on something special for her.
I would love this to get pics of my 18 mo twins plus 4 others. Everyone needs new pictures.
Your family is so photogenic. My family and I have yet to take family portraits. With my hubby being in the Army we aren't together alot. Infact we have spent more time apart than we have together in the past 5 years. Good luck to all the ladies who enter. Oh yeah and I just love your blog.
My son is almost two and we've never gotten professional photos taken and now we have a new baby girl. This package would be great to win! I love your blog!
What a great giveaway! If you had that much trouble and still got great pics, then maybe Sears can get some good ones of my little one (a.k.a. the one who won't look at the camera). Thanks!
This is great! My little one is 4 and we have never had a professional family pic taken. This would be be awesome! Love reading your blog BTW!
I would love to win a chance to make my husband sit and get his picture taken with me!
ooh, ooh, I want it - you can never get enough of portrait studios when you have three kids less then 4 years apart!
We had multi generation family photos taken at Sears when my first child was born. They did an excellent job!
We haven't had our kids pictures taken in forever!! I wanna win this.
Wow! I didn't know Sears did such a great job! I would love to see how well they would do with my 2 cute kiddos!
Please pick me. ;)
Tara DeLeon
Sears has taken our Christmas pictures for the last few years and we've always been very pleased! What a great giveaway!!
I would love love love to win this for my sister- I don't have any children but she has 4 gorgeous and rotten kids that I adore.
Love Sears! Great to see they have gotten some sew equiptment! Pick me!
I would love to get just 1 picture w/ out the baby crying, my next child scowling, my little girl looking in to the sky, my husband looking less than enthused to be a model and me w/ funky hairs sticking out, a weird smile on my face and my eyes half closed. Do you think Sears could help w/ that?!
I'd love to give them a run for their money! My kids are HORRIBLE at taking portraits! I can never get nice ones... and we don't have one single family portrait either and my kids are 6 and 2.
wow. sears portraits have changed. what happened to the brown shag carpeting when i was a kid?
What a great giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win!!
My fingers are crossed! A new baby calls for new pictures. Please pick me!!!
I love your blog...and I thought I was the meanest mommy!
Please pick me...
I would love to win this!!! My kids are almost a year behind on portraits, I'm a slacker, it's true.
I took pro photos of my first son at 6 mos., 1 yr., 2 yrs. and 3 yrs. My poor 2nd son got his taken at 7 mo. (because I was too behind schedule to even get him in at 6 mo.) and has not had another one since. We have NEVER had a pro family photo taken either! This lazy/overwhelmed/scared-to-death-to-tackle-a-photo-session-with-2-kids mom would love to win this!
We have never had a family portrait taken and our son in now 15 months old, plus I'm due with a new one in 4 weeks, so this would be the perfect timing!
I would love this. We need a good family picture!
With 4 little girls, pictures add up fast. I would love to win this.
I would love this! I haven't had professional pics of my 2 in several years:( (bad mama)
I put a link on my blog, too!
my foster kids are leaving in 6 months and it would be great to have one last photo shoot.
ooohhhh... pick me, pick me! We need to get family pictures done, we've never had any.
Oh pick me pick me. the only professional pictures I have had taken were at a studio that was uber expenseive and I didn't get the pictures til he was 5 months old and they were taken at 1 month.
My girls will hate me if I win--they don't like to get their pictures taken. Hope I can ruin their day! (I mean that in the nicest possible way.)
Ohhh, I really need to win this prize. My son is 26 months old and we are expecting our second child at the first of the year. I'm a sucker for cute pictures of my baby boy, please sign me up.
Totally need this giveaway. Our last family pictures were taken when my oldest, who just graduated from college, was a sophmore in high school. She reminds me regularly that we need a new family pic. She's leaving for 18 months in Ecuador in September so the window of opportunity is closing.
My kids need new pictures! School pictures don't turn out! Pick Me!
Your blog is a hoot! Any normal mom can relate.
I linked your blog to my blog so all 2 of my readers can enter for their chance to win. Please put my name in the hat for a second chance to win. My fingers are crossed!
My daughter is 17 months old and we have yet to have a professional photo taken of her. We tried when she was really young and she fell asleep ... after which there were always things she needed more (like food, or clothing). We've taken loads of lovely photos ourselves, but it's not the same! Please pick me!
I have no kids, but me and my husband were going to get my parents professional pictures for their 30th anniversary later this month...maybe I'll check out Sears!
My kids love taking pictures. My husband is the cranky difficult one .... but maybe he wouldn't complain so bitterly if they were free!
Ohh pick me. I'd love to be in the picture versus taking it.
Oo! I'd love to give this to a family member as a gift.
Our only experience with Sears Photo Studio was at Christmas, with a mob waiting also. It was not a pleasant experience but did get some good pictures. I'd be willing to try them again - but not during the Christmas rush time. :)
I posted a it on my blog.. Thanks
That is awesome! We so need to get new family pictures...
I LOVE getting our pictures done at Sears! This would be a great way to get a family picture done before the holidays!
I'd love to win! My boys are growing up too fast, and it would be great to get their pictures taken by a professional.
Oooo my son just turned 6 months and we haven't done family pictures...the grandparents would love for us to win this!
I haven't braved getting portraits done of my kids in almost 2 years. If I could go and not worry about wasting hundreds of dollars for pictures of them crying, maybe their grandparents could know what they look like!
My daughter and I haven't done a professional family picture for a couple years! Would love to win this!
Please Please Please.. I want to get this prize. I can really use it to get some good picutres of my son who can never sit still for a photo.
pick me pick me!
Oh, those look great! We would love an opportunity to get such great pics! :D
What a great giveaway! I hope I win ;)
I've linked this post on my blog.
I didn't even know Sears did portraits. I always went to JCPennys. I would love to win this.
I put a link on my blog linking to yours! I hope I win!! www.theprincessrules.blogspot.com
I would love to win and honor Sear's with the opportunity to take our pics:)
I just had a new baby week ago and I want to capture the moment before she gets too big. I so hope I win!
Time for another family picture!
I love sears! My little boy is 6mths and my daughter is 7 years old and we go all the time!
Your pics came out great! Sears does a great job--of course, I've never been able to afford more that the $9.95 package with one extra, so I'd love the chance to get a huge package with my girls!
Me Me Me!!!! Our last photo shoot involved my kids breaking the candles off the prop cakes, licking the gift boxes and biting each other. We REALLY need good pictures!
Those ARE great pics! And very reasonable. We go to Sears for all of our home needs but have never even thought about the photo studio! Great giveaway.
ok, ok. I'll take it. :)
I linked you!
Would love to win to get pix of my 2 hard to smile kids.
Just posted to my blog!
I want to win! This would be great for Finton's 1 year pics!
So far, I've only tried Picture People but I wasn't as happy with them the last time I went. I'd love to see what Sears can do!
Wow,those were cute pictures! This would be awesome, because the last time we visited a "professional" studio was when my daugher was 6 monts old and we had her portraits done at Target. She is now 7 years old, and her 3-year-old brother has never seen the inside of a photo studio!
I so need a family portrait session! The last time I took my fam to JC Penny I was lying on the floor contorting myself in different positions so that my daughter could be on my lap but not have me in the picture. She screamed the whole time and I have not been back since (1 1/2 yrs ago)!
Maybe a picture with our whole family in it?
Having photos taken with the kids is always an adventure. What a great contest. Thanks
Ah- this is such a GREAT give-away! I hope I win, even though I never win these kind of things.
New baby on the way, here! Could really use those wallets for demanding relatives ;)
My kids are 5 and 7. The last time we had professional family portraits done they were 2 and 4! Would LOVE to win this!!!!
I would love to get some family pictures taken!
I would love to get some pictures taken of my almost two year old and newborn!
I would love this!!! Sears does great work!
I would Love to win this package. My husband on the other hand hates getting his picture made so this "FREE" package would make it impossible for him to say no. LOL! Thank you for the chance to win!
All I can say is that Mandy at our local SPS is an angel....the last time I took my 2 girls in for sister shots, my 2yo NEVER looked at the camera. Nope, back to the camera the entire time! So my 3 month old got pix by herself!
Awesome contest. Everyone LOVES great pictures!
I posted your contest on my blog!
I would love to win a photo session! what fun.
I would love to win this
Our daughter needs her 3 year old picture taken in November, our son his 2 year old picture in January, & we're welcoming another member in January & of course could use cute pictures for baby announcements.
My daughter just celebrated her 2nd birthday and for the first time we went to the Sears Portrait Studio, we LOVE how her photos turned out! With our second baby on its way very soon (due in 3 weeks), we would love to win this package to take new family shots, photos of my daughter & new son, and newborn photos! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win this package!
oh, how I love a good contest! Have had great results from them and desperately need new photos taken! hint, hint...
I would love to win this so I could get my kids' photos taken. Have never tried Sears but this would be a great opportunity to get to try them!
Great giveaway! Would love to have professional pics of my two kiddos. Pick me! :)
Please Please pick me!!! I haven't done family pictures for over a year and a half!!! I could really use some new pics of my kids :)
Linked :)
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