April 8, 2009

Successful Discipline Idea #454: Washing Your Child's Mouth Out With Soap

Yesterday, Cortlen came home from preschool talking about feces and the body part that expels them. In great detail.

After several warnings and a time out I said, "Keep it up and things are going to get ugly."

Cortlen made a bad choice and had to eat a pickled pepper for lunch.

"That pepper was tasty!" my son chirped as he licked his lips. "Can I have another one?" he asked before collapsing on the floor in a fit of giggles.

So much for Plan A.

Ten minutes later, when the subject of rectums was raised again, I banished the potty talker to his room, where he continued to catalog the types and quantities of bowel movements he has had in the past week through the air vent.

"I'm one step away from washing your mouth out with soap," I threatened.

I hoped that it wouldn't come to that, but I scoped out the contents of my bathroom closet, just in case. Sadly, I didn't have on hand my favorite snack from my junior high school years--a bar of Irish Spring--so I had to settle with a bottle of pineapple-scented foaming hand cleanser instead.

Cortlen smirked when I showed him the bottle. Then he said "butthole" and "poop face" very slowly, enunciating every syllable.

"Open up," I told him as I sighed with disappointment.

Cortlen swallowed the quarter-sized dollop of hand soap in one gulp and did a quick fist pump.

"Yes!" he squealed. "I just ate soap!"

He raised his hand in search of a congratulatory high-five.

As much as I should have left my son 'hanging,' I felt compelled to acknowledge his impressive achievement.

Anyone have a similar "success story" from disciplining your kids?


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Stephanie said...

Just go buy the Irish Spring. Things will go more smoothly the next time. Remember "A Christmas Story"? :)

InkMom said...

He may or may not be excited when that soap he ate gives him diarrhea.

My dearest friend used to give her kids a shot of vinegar on the tongue whenever they used words that were prohibited in their family. We went to visit them in Idaho when I was pregnant with the twins. We went out to an Italian restaurant with the whole family -- one of those places that gives you olive oil with spices to dip your bread. Her kids independently asked our server to bring them a dish of balsamic vinegar with no olive oil, thanks very much. They soaked that vinegar up like it was maple syrup. I've never seen anything like it.

Vi said...

I have been blessed not to havethis problem yet, but the defiance I understand totally. Kids gotta love them even if you end up bald or in the looney bin. LOL

Cindy Stagg said...

We were having one of "those" Sunday mornings. The house was in chaos and our daughter was dragging her feet about getting ready for church. My husband scolded her pretty good. We were finally in the car, driving to church in silence, when from the backseat came our daughter's tiny voice singing, "I'm trying to be like Jesus..."

Jenn said...

My kids had the same response to vinegar...the "bring it on" kind of attitude...

Marci said...

Use vinegar...worked great for my kids! In fact, I just blogged about it yesterday!

HW said...

We put soap in our daughter's mouth when she wouldn't stop saying "I hate you."
She stopped after two soap snacks.

We spanked our kids when they were little. My son's last spanking was when he was about 8 - because he laughed and told me it didn't hurt.

Then we had to move on to more painful things like - gasp - taking away the video games!!!!

Candice said...

Zest is pretty foul. Might want to try that.

If all else fails, duct tape. ;)

Rebecca said...

oh boy. lol. I agree, Irish Spring probably isn't quite so tasty. Soap doesn't do much for our kids either.

sara said...

My mom always used Fels Naptha... old school hardcore laundry soap (in bar form). Ick.

So far my kids haven't needed it but I have some on hand...

Christine said...

I AM SO GLAD my child is normal. Well, at least as normal as yours...
I thought my 3.5 year old was destined to be a hardened convict by the time he was 20 because he is so defiant and no punishment seems to work. Thank you!

Oh, and your UNC posts reminded me that a couple of weeks ago, your boys cornered my husband in the bathroom at church asking him who he thought should win the basketball game and telling him all about Duke! He thought it was pretty funny.

MarMar said...

My similar story? When I threaten to put a toy in time out - or actually do so. Sometimes there's much whining and gnashing of teeth about wanting the toy back, but every now and again, I get a shoulder shrug and she moves onto something else.

My mom had one backfire on her: Go to your room, no toys allowed in there, you're being punished. But I loved to read and had a whole bookshelf full of good stuff in my room. Mom didn't want to discourage my reading, so I'd just go and bury my nose in my favorite book. Oh yeah, I felt punished, you showed me, Ma. ;-)

Anonymous said...

My babysitter washed out my mouth and her daughters with soap (must have been Irish Spring, it was green) when I was 4. She made us take a big drink of water, then scrubbed our tongues with the soap and for a finale, made us stand with it in our mouths for 15 minutes. It was such an awful experience-I still remember it vividly. I am 38. I think the 15 minutes with it in my mouth made the difference.

Unknown said...

I love Cortlen. You just can't break his spirit!

I bet he didn't actually enjoy that soap at all, though, despite his bravado.

Emily said...

Washing my kid's mouth out with soap actually works!

Casey M. said...

My mother used Ivory soap on me...I don't remember what I said, but I can promise you I never said it again, and I still refuse to get anywhere near that stuff. To this day, the sight or smell of it makes me gag. Horrifying.
Use that! ;)

linda said...

try tabasco. my girls (yes girls) have very foul mouths but the tabasco works wonders. that stuff burns and if they are really bad they get multiple shakes. I am SO mean.

Cadi said...

I have the same compulsion to high-fives...I can't leave anyone "hangn".

We have also had a pepper-hot sauce- vinegar-Bar with one of our kids. He could hack anything and it didn't faze him. He would say naughty things filled with hot sauce dripping out of his mouth. We are still perplexed on how to discipline this one. Best Wishes!

Janille said...

You didn't make it last long enough - need that bar of soap, or have them brush their teeth with it. Next time use duck tape - he still may be saying the words but you don-t have to hear them. And he can pretend he is a prisoner of war. And make him clean the bathroom and take out garbage -OR find a family that uses cloth diapers and have him clean those suckers out.

Mary K Brennan said...

I still use the time out (kids are still small). When all else fails, I clean out their room...every toy. They get the point, because I make them do it for me.

{amy k.} said...

I never experienced the taste of Irish Spring but I can't imagine it resulting in a high five- maybe you should try that!

Either way- your Cortlen sounds really cute and funny!

TheRapunzelGirl said...

my parents' favorite was Lava soap (you know, the kind with pumice power?). it's AWFUL. i think i only got the mouthful twice and realized that the words weren't worth the taste.

Krystal said...

My step mother in law always told me that putting soap in yours kids mouth was child abuse so I went with pesto paste. MY oldest son learned the 'F' word when he was 2, from my dad who's a trucker, two times of pesto paste cured that!

Unknown said...

Have you ever seen "A Christmas Story?" Tell him next time you'll use Life Boy soap, which makes you go blind. (I don't even know if that soap actually exists... but, you're creative, I'm sure you could find a way around that.)

stephsterr said...

I threatened my oldest when he was 6 years old with B&BW soap one day when he was being particularly sassy during a luncheon at my house. I got far enough that the soap dispenser was next to his mouth, but he shaped up and I backed off. A few minutes later he walked out of the bathroom, wild-eyed, pointing madly at the back label, hollering, "This is TOXIC!!!" I couldn't hold back my laughter.

Mindy said...

My four year old sweet girl with a mouth as filthy as a trucker enjoys blowing bubbles with the residue left on her lips... how can I not laugh at that?

JalenasMommy said...

LMAO!!! I am hysterical, too funny!

Babs said...

I am so going to have to try that. my 3 yr old makes up potty words and then giggles. "you-you-you scoopie-trucker! hahaha!" at two he laughed maniacally at spanking. I should have known then I was in trouble. for not cleaning up after himself we do things the "easy way or the hard way". the hardway: I hold his hand while we pick up toys. I am determined that he wont have that middle school girlfriend that wants to hold hands.
I think my word verification was a potty word.?

Overthinking Mama said...

oh i am so happy its not just my son with a difant streak!! ive tried everything with him... soap doesnt work too well as he wont open his mouth... so i normally just rub iton his teeth... for himto say..its not that bad.

~j. said...

When my oldest was 4, she was doing something she shouldn't have been doing while we were in the car. I called back to her, "Do you want a little spank on your buns?" She replied, "Yeah, right, Mommy. I hear that one before."

Cakegirl Lorilou said...

I had a similar incident with our 8yr old. He was warned over and over again to quit using vulgar language. Not even two minutes after I told him I would wash his mouth out with soap did I hear him using the offensive language again. I was so angry I grabbed him and dragged him into the bathroom and pumped a couple pumps of hand soap into his mouth and then put water in his mouth so it would foam up. Not pretty, I know, but it did the trick. After I calmed down a bit and dad and I had a talk with him about why he shouldn't use that kind of language we have never heard the offensive words again. AND just the other day I heard him explaining to his cousin why he would not use that kind of language anymore. I guess it kind of made an impression on him.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I'm going the right thing.....but for "potty talk" I send the boys (4 and 6) to the bathroom. They can say words that are not ugly but actual body parts/functions they find humorous like buttocks and penis. (Words like stupid and worse and not allowed)...(My 6 year old came home yesterday from school saying "fart". Lovely. If they start to use potty talk, I send them right away to the bathroom (he will apoligize for saying it out of the bathroom) to say buttocks over and over. It's all my hubby and I can do not to laugh ourselves silly. Should I be banning these words or am I doing the right thing? I've explained that buttocks and penis are not bad things. I try to pick my battles. Advice? K in NC

Heather said...

My kids love garlic and balsamic vinegar, so at our house, we use SOAP too and call them "soap snacks!" I use a bar, the ugly smelling ones, of course! Seriously, you have to walk down the soap aisle and grab the most offensive bar...Oh and I scrape it against their bottom teeth, just the two front ones...so they can think about what they just said while they taste the "goodness!!" It works! I have four kids who cringe when we walk down the soap aisle at the grocery store! THANKS for the giggle this morning!

NaDell said...

Dial works great too!
Make sure to lather it up though. Then it lasts longer and they don't like it even more.

Maree said...

We used soap too when the kids were smaller. The Dove I had wasn't too bad, apparently, and so we went to the store looking for "nasty soap." Got some funny looks as we were searching for it too--wonder why. Lava was our "nasty soap" and had to be bitten down on for a length of time. Once our son had to bite it for his entire time in time out (like 3 or 4 minutes) because he was being particularly bad, and his lips swelled up. That was the last time we had them bite for a length of time. I'm a big fan of scraping the soap on the bottom teeth though!

Kimberly300 said...

my parents used to put a teaspoon or so of black pepper on my tongue and i had to keep my tongue out until it dissolved (or they thought enough time had passed)..now... I am not saying this was a good parent moment for them but I sure didn't say the bad word again.. I cannot even look at pepper now.. ugg...

Kristi said...

maybe i'm just crazy but isn't that a bit harsh? from your post, all he did was talk about poop. he's in preschool and curious, thats what kids do. i understand you not wanting that kind of talk in your house. hey, it's your house. but to wash his mouth out with soap? i thought that form of corporal punishment died out in the 50's.

Unknown said...

HMMM! I thought that was only my 6 year old who was that definate and enjoyed any kind of soap. We even have tried lava and he still is gleeful afterward.

Motherhood for the Weak said...

I'm not a fan of that kind of corporal punishment.

But at least Cortlen seemed to like it?!?


Carmen said...

My 2 year old asks for time-out when he doesn't want to do something. "No mommy! Time-out!" and he sits there until he's ready to do what I ask. Weird.

Carmen said...

Oh and I think banishing potty talk to the bathroom is a brilliant idea. They can get it out of their system (unless its a truly bad word) and it doesn't drive you crazy to hear about it at the dinner table:)

Chris in NY said...

Kristi....THANK YOU! You're the only one to say exactly what I was thinking. I'm horrified at the number of people who have gleefully posted that they, too, use toxic substances to "teach them a lesson". On the back of my bathroom soap dispenser it states "If ingested, contact poison control." How about a couple drops of lemon juice instead? At least that's a food item.

In case you didn't know....ALL kids go through a potty mouth phase. The more attention you pay to it, the longer this phase will last. How about "That language is not allowed in our house" and having the child take a 5 minute time out in a lawn chair in the backyard?

I absolutely love this blog, but I'm shocked at what I just read. You should all be ashamed of yourselves for using such brutal methods of "discipline."

Karen said...

Sadly, yes....I have a four year old who now loves "hot sauce." Her thing is calling everyone stupid in the snottiest voice possible. Not pretty when she says, "Shut up you stupid mom." Turns out she hates naps more, so that is what happens now, if she makes that choice.

Good luck!

Amy said...

We use cayenne pepper in our house. I lick and dip my finger in it then put it on their tongue. Of course, my children hate spicy food, which may be why this is so effective for them. But my son stopped spitting at everyone after a day and a half of getting pepper every time.

Carina said...

I make him hold the bar soap in his mouth like A Christmas Story. It's Dove Aloe Fresh (or some such green nonsense.) I think bar soap is essential, and they have to hold it in their mouths. Maree is right, Lava is pretty awful.

In our case it was for honest to goodness swear words. Haven't heard them since.

stephsterr said...

Well to be fair, I think it's toxic if a child were to drink a huge amount of soap, not what amounts to a couple drops when it foams up. But when he pointed out that it was toxic I was laughing at his reaction, and I never have threatened soap again. I also told him that if I had seen that it was toxic I would have used different soap. :) (Once again, haven't used it - might try the vinegar though! Nose in the corner works well over here with the 2-yr old)

Jennifer said...

My girls get what we call "sassy sauce"... a couple of drops of tabasco on their tongue changes their attitude immediately. But I do have friends whose children LOVE hot things, so this certainly wouldn't work for all. One time we were out at a restaurant and they had tabasco sauce on the table...both girls said "Look mommy, they serve sassy sauce here!" People at the next table laughed.

sherie said...

I have used soap and then graduated to tabasco on my oldest. The other kids have heard his stories and I think that has scared them enough to not push it!
Also I talked to a L.C.S.W. and asked her about using these methods and she supported them!

Anonymous said...

Apart from the fact that soap is toxic and all that, I wonder if the mother was able to sucessfuly discipline her child?

Whether or not the child has the right to say those words is not the issue. If your mother tells you not to say/do something, then you just don't say/do it.

At the end of the day, has the child learnt a lesson? It seems to me as though the tail is wagging the dog in that house!

Chalen said...

Tabasco sauce works quite well. My kids hate it and have yet to grow accustomed to it. I start off with putting my finger on top of the bottle, inverting it, and then wiping it on their tongue. That has done it for quite awhile. Although I did up the dosage for my 7 year old recently to one drop. Then the rule is nothing but water for 5-15 minutes, depending on age and severity of the infraction. They quickly learn not to ask for water as it just spreads the heat around their mouth and throat. When the punishment is over, they get a piece of bread.

This has worked so well, that when I made a dinner that included Tabasco sauce in it, they refused to eat it even though they have had it before. It took them five minutes to insist that it was edible and no burning would insue.

Anonymous said...

Maybe next time you should try a soap that isn't nicely scented?
I never got soap in my mouth, I was spanked with a leather belt on my bare bottom instead!

sarahandmatt said...

ever been stranded on the street far from your home with a 6-week-old baby in your arms and two toddlers who refuse to ride their bikes home? I understand the defiance and wish there was a bar of soap to cure that one. (just locked the bikes in the trunk of the car instead)

A day in the Life... said...

I washed my 4 year old's mouth out with soap twice for saying a swear word.

I used a tiny amount of dish soap and made him keep it on his tongue for a minute. He no longer says that word :)


When I threaten my six-year-old with a punishment, she stops to weigh her options and often says something like "just go ahead and spank me" because she wants to keep doing what she's doing.

Anonymous said...

When my son was growing up, I didnt use tactics like that. Usually all I had to do is give him "the look". It always worked for me.

Anonymous said...

My kids can say all the potty words they want as long as they are in the bathroom. This does not include swear words, just the ones dealing with bodily functions and the related body parts. It's pretty funny to listen to them standing alone in the bathroom saying poop over and over, but it works. Eventually the novelty wears off b/c they don't want to be in there alone and they give up and come out. This is what my pediatrician tells all of her preschool age parents to do.

Patrice and Higgins said...

Been there done that. All I had was Joy, so I squirted it all in his mouth. The next time I made him bite very hard on a bar of Ivory and I slowly pulled it out! Much better sucess!

Rachel said...

LMAO. Pineapple soap? Did you try it? It actually sounds kinda good.

Melinda said...

Okay, I love him! I know it sucks as a parent, but really thats hysterical! "I JUST ATE SOAP!" YA!

Mach Momma said...

A huge spoonful of mayo works pretty well.
I think some folks need to chill out. Corporal punishment and brutal discipline? Come on!

Amy said...

I'd be careful with the soap, some of the ingredients in that stuff can be pretty toxic. Unless you're using something completely all natural... then by all means!

Unknown said...

My husband used to have his mouth washed out with Lava soap. My best friend had to put it on her toothbrush and scrub her tongue!

caligirlinfl said...

My kids haven't reached that phase yet, so I haven't had to deal with bad language, aside from my husbands. Actually one time my husband dropped his life water and said a choice word, and my 2 year old decided to mimic him. She forgot about it after a few minutes. Maybe I should wash my husband's mouth out with soap. lol. My mother used to wash my mouth out when I was younger. I didn't die or even get sick from toxic soap, and I am not scarred from the ordeal either. It is good that times have changed, but some things have changed too much.

Amanda said...

my teenager has a terrible attitude problem and loves backtalking me. well, he has gotten so out of hand lately that i told him to keep it up and he would be shipped of to reform school without warning the next time he presented his attitude to me. well, he got his attitude again and i just gave him "the look", he went to his room and i thought ok, he can have his attitude in his room so long as i don't have to deal with it. well, the kid went in his room and packed his suitcase, and comes out and says "i'm ready to go to reform school". i just sent him back to his room and sat in shock that he called my bluff!

Anonymous said...

Sriracha hot chili sauce is even hotter than Tabasco and since it's actually meant to be consumed (unlike soap) it might be a better option...just a thought.

Andie said...

When my daughter was three she would have tandrums all the time, One day just before x-mas my husband announced santa would not be coming she had enough toys and with her attitude she didn't need anymore. About 30 minutes later my 3 yr old walks out into the living room throws down about 15 toys and says you can tell santa to take these too I have to many anyway, so much for holding santa over her head SIGH

Kacey Nielsen said...

My two year old daughter reached up in the bathtub the other day, grabbed the bar of soap from the ledge and licked it. She looked at me, thought for a minute, then licked the soap again with a big grin on her face. My first thought should probably have been, 'gross my child just ate soap... twice' instead it was, 'dang, now what am I going to do when she uses bad words?!'

Karcher said...

When I was a kid my mom tried all kinds of different punishments. We always did what your son did. Make her think it was eigther fun or no big deal. Had she continued we would of broke down. Some of those punishments were pretty gross. Now when my kids try it I don't give up. Eventually they won't be able to pretend any more. Although it is fun to watch them try!
Lee Karcher mother of 6 and proud army wife Texas

Anonymous said...

How frustrating!

Two years ago my husband and I were going nuts in our house- our punishments weren't working and tensions were high. A friend finally told me I looked like I could use some help and gave me a book she had been using for years with her 2 kids. Not only did we read it, but we found classes given by the author(s) and took them. The result? A NEW HOUSE!! Our 4 kids, ages 6 to 14, have even appreciated the difference. "Mommy Yells-A-Lot" (as they use to call me) no longer exists. It's worth a try, and will be cheaper in the long run than the amount of soap one might need!


Chrissy L. from Idaho

Dianne said...

I used lemon juice. The kind in the little plastic yellow lemon. Works wonder. So does a belt. My boys are 12 and 17 now and are wonderful and wll behaved. Not perfect. Our house operates under Biblical teaching--spare the rod and spoil the child. I hope these people who have to be anonymous actual have raised children.

Hope said...

Yeah I love the folks who have so many "bad" things to say about the toxicity of soap all conveniently remain "Anonymous". Get a life folks -- she doesn't win the worst mother of the world because she put soap on her son's tongue. I don't have kids so I suppose I don't know what I'm talking about either but my mother used Joy -- and one MORE than one occasion. I'm not damaged from it -- if it offends you so much....go somewhere else...people have gotten so stinkin SENSITIVE!

Anonymous said...

If you'd like to try something harsher than soap, use baking soda and listerene. Mix it to make a thin paste and use a toothbrush to brush onto the tongue. Add more mouthwash if needed......

When my youngest son was 2 he would call ppl "baby butthead" if they did something he didn't like....needless to say it only took one time of the soda/listerene paste for him to stop saying it.

Gina said...

That made me laugh out loud! When I tell my 2 year old that he has to go into time out, he says, "Time out! Yay!" and comes as close to skipping to his time out bench as a 2-year-old can. Awesome.

tricki_nicki said...

My kids HATE soap in the mouth, but if I had to use something stronger...it would have to be Bitter Apple. It's a product that's used to stop dogs from chewing on stuff.

One day I put a teensy tiny drop of that stuff on my tongue to see how bad it was. IT'S BAD!! Two hours later I could still taste that nasty stuff. *shiver*

the letter "J" said...

So funny...I just had a similar story a few posts back. We do however have a year supply of said Irish Springs. We are out to test the theory that Ralphie so eloquently claims that he went blind from "soap poisioning." So far Renzo's sight is holding up fine.

~M said...

You can use that stop nail biting stuff.

gigi said...

The bar soap scraped across the teeth works good but I've found that soft soap on the toothbrush works pretty good. Good luck!

jenn said...

There actually is Life Boy soap. my husband and I found it and it really does taste bad--just like in the "Christmas Story" movie!! My son didn't care for it either!!

Stephanie said...

Jana- regarding the one anonymous post...do you think it's Bonnie Scott come to seek revenge? Hmmmm...sounds to me like someone needs a child like the rest of ours...you go-
I'm a Tobasco sauce user myself...my Ali doesn't get it very often, and if she won't open her mouth I wipe a little on her lips...I've only done it twice, but just the threat makes her behave!

Jenny said...

I think this is cruel. Worse then spanking your child. And prolly even fatal *points at law&order epidsode* I would never do this to my kid(s).

Anonymous said...

One Christmas when I was about 3, my mom got sick and tired of listening to me constantly beg for cookies and treats, so on Christmas morning she sat me down and announced that my 'breakfast' would be exactly what I had been nagging her for - a huge plate piled high (like 5 or 6 inches high) with cookies, chocolates, and other assorted Xmas goodies, topped off with a huge candy cane. The deal was I had to eat it all - apparently, her plan was that I would get sick somewhere around the middle of the pile and beg to stop, end up with a huge stomach ache, and I would have learned my lesson. Instead, I ate the whole pile, except for a tiny smidgen of the candy cane, and when I was done, asked for more. So much for teaching me a lesson - oh, and I didn't even get a stomach ache. Best Christmas breakfast of my life!

**nicke... said...

i laughed out loud when i read that he said "butthole"! i'm still giggling!!! i would make him watch Ralphie tell his parents that he was blind from soap poisening! it happens!

Sara said...

I haven't had to use this on my children yet but I sure can tell you Dial soap tastes nasty! I only told my mother I hated her once!

Nikki said...

Here is something cruel - and definitely unusual - make them research the etymology of the word and write up a whole lot about it. Of course, this won't work on a four year old - but if his spirit sticks around - this may end up being a last resort...

(no - I haven't done this personally, but it came up as a suggestion in a 'swearing lecture' I attended this past week...)

word verification: glosh - how cool is that?!?! :)

Cheeky Kitchen said...

We've done 1-2-3 Magic for a good, long while. It usually works--and works like magic. But every now and then you get the clever, sassy disobeyer who decided to count themselves to three, then go dead-man-limp as I try to tug them to time out.

I suppose it would be more of a tragedy if my kids weren't smart enough to think outside the box sometimes. (Including celebrating rectums and pineapple soap all in the same hour.)

Happy day!

Lori said...

I always asked for the bar soap--way better than liquid soap!

Lisa S said...

Ok, soap in the mouth is just wrong for discipline.
One of these days something toxic in the soap is going to make your kid really awful sick, they'll end up in the hospital and then social services will step in and then you will be in really big trouble. lol!

Tell them you can't believe they used those words and now you're not going to talk to them the rest of the day and then ignore them. My mom did that to my two nephews and boy did they feel bad. They couldn't stand that their grandma wouldn't talk to them.

Christina said...

I tried it on my 4 year old. We were in a hotel so it was hotel soap. I am sure it was gross. The stuff barely touched his teeth and it seemed like enough. Later, we went down to the cafe to each breakfast he says, "this cereal really helps with the soap."

lynsie said...

cream of tartar powder, on the tounge, keep the tounge out of mouth for 1 to 2 minutes, then NO water to wash it out until the point is made.

Anonymous said...

First “potty mouth” utterance got an eye-brow-raised, “Pardon me?”. If the child was wise, they’d not repeat it. If, on the off-chance they didn’t ‘get the hint’ and repeated it anyway, my husband and/or I would say, “We don’t use that type of language in OUR family.” Then, if the wayward-mouth repeated it again, we’d (and this was the hardest part!) ignore it. The novelty of potty-mouthing (in any of its forms) wore off pretty darned soon -- there was no reaction from us, so there was no point in child even trying to get a rise from us by using such language - in any of its incarnations. It was futile for them to even try to get us riled over it, but they each were ‘normal’ and sure did try.

As our children got older, they kept testing all sorts of boundaries; testing as any “normal” child does. Their ‘questionable’ actions and words over their growing years always got the same, “Pardon me?” and (if needed) “We don’t use that type of language (or do those types of things) in OUR family.” Usually, that was more than enough to get the point across, because they knew better – they were just testing us. Sometimes, though, wayward off-spring would be sent to their room with a calm and rational: “Please go to your room, now. You may join us again when you have decided you are going to act as you know you should. Or, when I’m ready to see you . . . which ever comes _last_.” No yelling, no reinforcing bad behavior, no anger – plenty of ‘cooling off’ time. Starting at about 12-years old, modifications were made to the way(s) we handled their boundary tests, but basically, the above is the foundation we laid for how reacted to their, shall we say, “exuberance(s)”. Our children, if I do say so myself, turned into pretty neat, thoughtful, respectful, grown men.

These tactics for dealing with “attitudes” from our chickadees, worked wonders for us. Your mileage, of course, may vary.

Cat said...

I'm not sure what I would do. My kids aren't talking yet -- not for lack of trying, though. My 3 year old has some speech/ language impairments that kept him from getting the whole talking thing down. And my other boy is too young still. But my parents washed my mouth out with ivory soap twice in my life... and when I look back as a mother, I totally deserved it! The first time I bit my sister on her back, hard enough she still has scars. The second and last time, my parents caught me on the top of the jungle-gym calling all the kids around me various combinations of the f-word. Other times when I was sassy or said potty words my mom would gently but firmly smack my lips -- it never hurt, but it definatly got my attention! I don't know what I will do with my boys, though. I sure appriciate everyone's ideas and methods. It gives me a lot to think about for the future.

Lana@The Kids Did WHAT?! said...

My 3.5 yr old is going through the potty mouth stage right now. Poop this. butt that. I TRY mot to make a big deal ou of it, but I know it is just a stage. Obviously she gets a stern talking to amd sometimes a timeout if she starts to get really rude. I don't have any advice, but would like to respond to some of the anonymous commentators who say how toxic and dangerous it is to have soap in the mouth. - Ever take your kid to a public pool? Chlorine. I haven't met a child yet who doesn't get a mouthful or three of pool water and doesn't swallow it. The chances of a child actually swallowing soap (this post excluded! Lol!) is pretty rare.

Lindy said...

LOL! Through the air vents!?!? That's talent.

Gwen said...

I'm stunned that people are still "washing mouths out with soap". I honestly didn't know this still happened. I'm not being judgmental as I know how hard it is to raise kids. I personally wouldn't use this method of punishment, especially for something as innocent as my child talking about bodily functions and body parts. I just don't get why that's such a big deal. But to each his own, I guess. Your son sounds like a sweet and funny kid.

citrinecastle said...

Soap doesn't work on my kids. Nor does hot sauce/lemon juice/vinegar/etc. However.....I use what grosses them out the most. For the eldest, that cheese that comes out of a can. He HATES the stuff! The youngest,who has the foulest mouth ever, I'm still working on. He is determined to end up in juvenile hall at the age of 11. Lately I've been threatening him with sending him to live with my hubby's aunt. KINDA works. But he's smart enough to know there's no bloody way in Hades she'd put up with him. So...sorta at a loss with that one. Alas...reform school is too expensive. Hmmm.....

Heidi said...

I am a fan of your blog. I just love to read about your mommy moments! They're hilarious! Keep 'em coming!!

Heather said...

One drop liquid dawn dish soap on his tounge. Trust me from experience he will not be fit pumping in the air!! :-)

Makayla Steiner said...

I'm pretty sure you have to scrub the tongue with it (make sure there is aftertaste) for it to have any real effect.

Chris said...

We use vinegar at our house! Seems to work quite well.

Queen of her Castle said...

I seriously think our children are related. He sounds exactly like my 6 year old. Oh man do we have our work cut out.

Michele said...

I'm glad I'm in good company with all the commenters who have used this too. I finally pulled out the threat this week with these mini bars of Ivory I've been saving. One bite down on that and even the mention of it now has curbed some very naughty back talk here. Nothing else was working. My kids have tasted worse/put worse things in their mouths as they've grown...

Bugs said...

I raise my eyebrows and son #1 says, "How do you get your head to do that?" as he makes scrunchy faces at me.

Katie said...

I tried vinegar...and that worked until a worker at the local DCF (who is a friend of mine) said that they could take away kids for putting anything in their mouths such as soap, hot sauce or vinegar...WHAT? yep, seriously. Maybe that is just a Florida law...not sure. But in fear of having my five year old mention it at school and then have the DCF knocking on my door...I reverted back to the ol' time out chair. And when that doesn't work. I make them STAND with their NOSE planted in the corner...till they can't stand no more. And sometimes, that still doesn't work. I've basically given up on parenting. They run the house. Who am I trying to kid?!?! Good luck...maybe I should follow your lead and regain parenting control! :)

Katie said...

P.S. The problem with the soap in the mouth is most anti-bacterial soaps which most of us only have now...have alcohol in them and that is why the deparment of Children and Families urge you NOT to use it...it is not good for kids to digest. Just a heads up. I think someone mentioned lemon juice and I really see no harm in vinegar because it is something we eat on our foods a lot. Of course, I use the white vinegar...nothing with good flavor! But, I would encourage to steer away from the soaps.

Becky said...

I used to use hot sauce (tobasco) on my kids tongue, until my daughter liked it...or when you start counting to 3 1....2....and they chime in and help you finish it.

Elizabeth said...

I laughed so hard! It can be a challenge to find the thing that some boys will view as punishment! And you love them all the way through it, too, that's why you have to give the high 5!
I have definitely sent my kids to the bathroom for potty talk. And I absolutely remember the handful of lemon Joy suds that my mom shoved in my mouth for a big load of curse words in junior high.
In general I am practicing using my words so that my kids will do the same :-)

Granna Deanna said...

Our son went through a phase that caused us to want to wash his mouth out with soap. We called the local hospital to inquire to the effects and were told to use liquid dishwashing soap. We were told that hand bar soap could make them ill but that the dishwashing soap would only make them pass bubbles! (In Europe, many people don't even rinse the suds from their dishes before draining them.) Since many children quickly swallow the liquid soap without really experiencing the bad taste, we were instructed to place a small drop UNDER the tongue. It is amazing how many suds a thrashing tongue can produce! We didn't have to try this often since it wasn't as easy to rinse it out as when simply placed ON the tongue!

Granna Deanna said...

As I read through the comments again, I remembered that we also had the kids go to the bathroom or garage to get the words out of their systems. Often, it wasn't worth the trip just to use the word. Without an audience, the fun seemed to disappear.

Amy E said...

This isn't my story, but my sister's...when her now 13 yr old was 3 or 4 and caught saying "potty words" at his great-grandmother's house, my sister went into grandma's bathroom to find the oldest, nastiest looking soap ever. She questioned whether or not to put it in her child's mouth, but decided she better go through with her threat and did so. She scraped the soap across his teeth so he'd taste it for a couple of minutes and get the idea of the punishment. Well, much to my sister's dismay, he came out of the bathroom to the rest of us and promptly opened his mouth in a toothy grin and excitedly proclaimed "See Grandma's soap?????" We all had to laugh and still do to this day...the punishment didn't go over as planned but it did provide a funny memory.

Jenna said...

My best solution for potty language - scrubbing toilets (all 4 of them) on hands & knees with a toothbrush. It cured my boys instantly - especially since boy toilets are so appealing with dried yellow puddles on the sides.

Sweet Serendipity said...

That's hilarious. I've tried the soap trick and it didn't work well with my son either. My mom used Dial. I think the trick is the bar soap that gets imbedded in your teeth. Blech.
Thanks for sharing.

Mammapajammas said...

I know it's been almost a week, but I had to comment... My mom used to have me brush my teeth with dish washing liquid. Uck.....

Anonymous said...

when I've used liquid soap for my boys potty mouths I rub the soap around the inside of their mouth so I'm sure it leaves a lasting effect. I enjoy your son's tenacity! Love your blog!!! So fun!

Did you see that news about hand sanitizer - don't give him that - it has enough alcohol in it to really hurt a child... scary stuff!

Becky @ Babes in Hairland said...

Just found your blog & have been laughing big time at this post! Not too long back I had to do this to my oldest (she was being extra mouthy & had been warned 1 too many times that this would be her punishment) - but I actually put the dollop of liquid soap on my fingers and rubbed it around on her tongue so she'd get the full effect! I also, didn't have a nasty bar of soap handy -- because I sooo remember getting that as a kid & having it scraped on my teeth on the way back out. Ack. My daughter, fully hated this and has yet to repeat the offense! Point made - point taken! Victory! (at least for now!)

Anonymous said...

Social Services will take your child away and press charges if you use soap on them and end up in the emergency room. (they claim it's child abuse) There are too many soaps that have anti-bacteria products in them Please don't use soap.
All you ladies who have admitted to using soap on their children I'd take it off they can charge you for admitting doing it.

Anonymous said...

To the previous poster. They will not take your child away for washing their mouth out. It is a completely accepted punishment. Learn a bit about law before posting :) and to the original poster. That is funny props to you and your son.

Anonymous said...

Don't bother. I'm 13/male and don't care about punishment. It always ends. Oh and you can't stop everything, I swear heaps at school, so does everyone else. In fact I heard a 6yo say "shut the f*** up you c***!". Punishment doesn't work. For example: you find your kid looking at porn. He's 9. Guess what, he just learned how to cover up his tracks even better than before. Well now, you're warned. We are generation Z.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I am suprised that a of people suggested duct tape if you don't watch it you can get your a** landed in jail for doing so, why? Caylee and numerous other children have actually died by the abuse of the duct tape punishment as such it has been declared cruel and unusual punishment. What does that mean? Do it and if it becomes severe you'll end up seeing the inside of a jail cell. Some states (USA) are not severe but other states are much more "severe" on how the punishment is looked at. As for what to do, yes we live in generation Z and even grounding has its lack of effect, best thing to do is take whatever they like the most away and not give it back until they can explain what they did wrong and what they did. Now that sounds maybe a bit too childish but breaking simple rules to a severity is just as childish. As for soap punishment that has yet to be called cruel and unusual so go ahead if it works and it's a okay with the law than go ahead and use it. As for duct tape it is illegal due to the many special incidents that have occurred. You can simply read up on this in the internet (use .gov sites for sheer truth) and you can find it usually near your town/city by asking a P.O. (probation officer) if you really are not sure at all usually P.O.'s are located near around the city court (main). Just informing people that there are commonly used punishments that can land your butt in jail. Don't be like the parents' that continued to do the punishment thinking they would never hurt their child but they did, as that thinking is a slippery slope period.

Anonymous said...

My (adopted) Dad only ONCE heard me swear, he marched me to the bathroom and he washed my mouth out with soap (not a nice one) and after that made me have the whole bar in my mouth for half an hour! and the second time (i'de answered him back) he put half a teaspoon of tabasco sauce on a spoon and MADE me swallow.....i NEVER answered him back again, the only words i said was "yes Daddy"!! and "i love you". He would spank me for other bad behaviour ALWAYS done "bare bottom" but he also had a novel idea that didn't need spanking-but guaranteed an EXTREMELY sore bottom!!!. He would take me to my bedroom, lay me on my tummy, bare my bottom and with a small piece of sandpaper rubbed my bottom, HARD, for about 30 seconds, it didn't hurt much as he was doing it but after a minute felt like my bum was on fire-VERY sore!. Then in the corner (hands on my head) with my poor, sore, red raw, burning like mad little bottom!!...oh the pain..i can remember it now!. Then after half an hour Dad offered cream (which was VERY embarrassing-your Dad giving your bare bottom a good old rub with cream)! but i ran for it and let him-ANYTHING to ease the pain!, infact i often said "please Dad give it a REALLY good rub an extra rub it's sooo sore"!-you can bet my face was just as red as my bottom!! and it was still sore a week after it (i had to sleep on my tummy for a few nights)! and you could always tell if i'de been naughty cause white cream was smeared across my bottom OR Dad was rubbing it with cream!!. Then cuddle (i loved him)...followed him everywhere and yes it worked a treat!.

Anonymous said...

There's a good old fashioned bit of discipline-soap in the mouth for swearing and bare bottom spankings and it sounds like you've turned out alright. You know i tried the sandpaper and it worked!, they thought they would get the usual spanking but no!, i lined them up and gave all their bottoms a good rub with sandpaper-worked like a charm.....i'de recommend it!!.

BluePixo said...

Children need a clear definition of acceptable and unacceptable conduct. They feel more secure when they know the borders of permissible action.

*BluePixo Entertainment - A place for mom and dad to share topics about parenthood*

Anonymous said...

I saw this blog quite late as you can see from my post. I just wanted to say that I am a nurse and I have worked in an emergency room. Based on my experiences, I could *never* recommend that anyone put soap in a child's mouth as a form of discipline.

I have seen a number of cases involving anaphylatic shock which is an allergy that causes swelling and makes it difficult for a person to breath. This can be fatal. Its absolutely no joke and when emergency room staff has to deal with this problem its always a scary situation. Soap in the mouth can cause anaphylatic shock in some children. SO DON'T DO IT!

Just because I don't believe in that doesn't mean I am a soft parent. All of my three children have been spanked. What has worked the best for me when necessary is a small wooden paddle. It should be used carefully and never to the point of abuse with children. When necessary, I will make one of my kids drop their pants and than I warm their butt with my "mother's helper".

My hat goes off to any parents who can raise good, well-behaved kids without corporal punishment. I think some parents can't do it. I found I couldn't. Still, if you must use corporal punishment, an old fashioned spanking or paddling is preferable to something that could potentially cause your child to choke.

mommie of 3 said...

I use Rainfall bar of soap. It is a non chemcial soap. I don't see anything wrong with having your child hold a bar of soap in his or her mouth. Your trying to get your point across that the behavior or words being used are not allowed. If the punishment is something they will remember and not like, most likely they won't say the word again. To K in NC, it sounds like the point your getting across to your kids is its ok to say the bad words as long as they are in the bathroom. Would you really want your kids to be a a friends house or out eatting and just cause they are in the bathroom that means they can say bad words? If you don't want them to say it infront of you or anywhere but the bathroom, then they shouldn't be saying it at all don't you think? Kinda like I tell my kids, if you have to whisper something to someone because you don't want me to hear it, then you sholdn't be saying it at all. I don't think making exceptions for your child to say bad words is ok. One of my kids is 5. And we have went through the whole "penis" word too. He learned there is a time to use it and a time to not. Just saying the word for no reason or saying to someone else and laughing. Isn't allowed. If he would say it, he gets a warning. If it happens again, he gets soap.

SunshineSuperStar said...

Do you all know that washing your child's mouth out with soap is unlawful and considered abuse and you can be arrested for it. A good rule of thumb: If your "punishment" could warrant a warrant (a criminal one!) it probably isn't the best parenting tactic. Also, saying a inappropriate word may be a bad behavior and need handled BUT doing something to your child that can cause painful stomach cramps and diarrhea is extremely harsh. The soap can also ulcerate the stomach lining causing great pain and bleeding. It also makes your tongue raw.
Although soap isn't considered toxic, it is made for the outside of the body, not the inside. It has a very different effect on the inside. Some soaps contain lye, petrochemicals and carcinogens. Definitely not something I'd put into my child's body.

Moms, PLEASE rethink this. You could really hurt your child.

SunshineSuperStar said...

Do you all know that washing your child's mouth out with soap is unlawful and considered abuse and you can be arrested for it. A good rule of thumb: If your "punishment" could warrant a warrant (a criminal one!) it probably isn't the best parenting tactic. Also, saying a inappropriate word may be a bad behavior and need handled BUT doing something to your child that can cause painful stomach cramps and diarrhea is extremely harsh. The soap can also ulcerate the stomach lining causing great pain and bleeding. It also makes your tongue raw.
Although soap isn't considered toxic, it is made for the outside of the body, not the inside. It has a very different effect on the inside. Some soaps contain lye, petrochemicals and carcinogens. Definitely not something I'd put into my child's body.

Moms, PLEASE rethink this. You could really hurt your child.

SunshineSuperStar said...

Also, I realize that you aren't FEEDING the soap to the child but they are bound to swallow at least part of what is put in their mouth and depending on that amount, could become very sick. Is it really worth the risk? Would you really want to take the risk of seriously harming them? Let alone if someone found out and turned you in for it. I'm not trying to be rude or disrespectful. I am just asking you all to please consider what I'm saying.

Aemelia said...

Wow what a hot topic people are still commenting on this almost a year later. Oh well I'll add to it and just suggest making them brush their teeth with baking soda. It won't make them sick it's safe and it's good for their teeth and it tastes like crap. Try it sometime!

That said I usually made my kids lick a bar of soap I figured that much wasn't going to kill anyone or risk me getting turned into CPS.

Anonymous said...

We had a deal that who ever cursed would get their mouth washedout with soap. One night at dinner my husband dropped a couple nasty words to me in front of the kids. Later that night I dropped a new bar of safeguard in the sink. I filled it up with hot water. Twenty minutes later I called my husband in the bathroom and had him sit on the toilet. I then grabbed the soap and shoved it in his mouth. I twisted it in and out for ten min. Then I held it in his mouth so he wouldn't spit it out for 5 min then he rinsed. He won't curse again in front of the kids or me.

Anonymous said...

I was I think 17 at the time and spending the weekend at my aunt's house. She was taking a shower one morning and I was in the guest bedroom next door listening to my Ipod while I waited for my turn. I dropped my Ipod and let the F-bomb fly. I heard the shower turn off and next thing I know my aunt is standing in the doorway wrapped in a towel .She grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me into the bathroom. She grabbed a big still foamy bar of Dove out of the shower. I could tell she had just unwrapped it because the box was still sitting on the edge of the tub. She grabbed me by the chin and shoved it into my mouth and REALLY started scrubbing, scolding me the entire time. My mouth was soon filled with lather. She then proceeded to strip me and shower me herself, much to my embarassement with the soap bar still in my mouth. What was even more embarassing was she was doing all this while still only wrapped in a towel! To this day I've always watched my mouth around her.

Anonymous said...

My girlfriend gets mad at me when I curse. She has threatened that she would wash my mouth out with soap if I. Didn't stop. I usually cursed at her again just to piss her off. One day we were driving back from a store and wegot into a silly arguement and on accident I called her the 4letter c word. She was pissed. A few hours later we took a nap and all of a sudden I hear a weird noise and I. Realize its the sound of my girlfriend ductaping my wrists behind my back. I'm pretty strong, but couldn't move. She sits on top of me and pulls a bar of yellow soap out of a glass of water and says she should of done this along time ago and if I fight her were over. She shoved the soap in my mouth and twisted it in and out as she yelled at me. She made me bite down on it as shescraped it against my teeth and tounge. I had this done to me for ten to fifeteen min. Then she pushed the bar as far in my mouth as possible and wrapped ductape over my mouth so I couldn't spit it out. She took it out after 15 min then let me rinse said if I call her that word again she will make me eat the whole bar. I was so pissed at her.

Tasha Sandbach said...

You women are sick. You realize that a woman in the United States has been charged with child abuse for putting hot sauce in her childs mouth as a way to discipline him??? I can't believe that you would all be talking like this so freely, and think that it's ok. Why don't you all take a parenting class, and maybe visit your local jail because that's where you will end up. And when you get angry at your kids, punish them by giving them a time-away, not beating them or physically harming them, it's sick...and wrong.

And for the poster who said they used to wash their child's mouth out with soap when they said 'I hate you'...you wonder why you are being told that! Way to teach your kids they have to keep their feelings to themselves...mother of the year award goes to.....

Wake up, we aren't living in the stone ages.

Anonymous said...

I cant believe im gonna admit this, but there was a summer that i spent up at my Aunts house. Most of the time I would hangout with my cousin Angela who is around 8 years older than me. To be honest I always had a thing for Angela. Iwas 15 and at that age I was a punk and I did curse a lot. One day we were hanging out by the pool and I pushed her in and she yelled at me. In return I said f*** you to her, because she yelled at me. Angela was pissed because she had to now shower and get ready to go to their restaraunt. After she was done putting on her black sneakers she said I should be punished for cursing at her like that. I said, you can't punish me. Angela got mad and made me go in the bathroom and said sit there, on the toilet. I said what are you doing, she grabs a plastic soap container she kept her own personal soap in and started wetting it and I said noway and I went to go runaway. Angela said no you dont, if you dont accept this Im not bringing you to the US Open. Angela made me sit on the toilet and said open wide and she put the soap in and rubbed it around real hard. She mashed it against my teeth and made me bite down on it as she pushed it in and out. I begged her to stop and she did this for twenty minutes while she kept dipping the soap in water. Then she made me sit there with soap in my mouth for the hole time it took to do her hair which was another twenty min. Then she put me across her lap and pulled my pants down and spanked my hard for 5 min. She laughed at me because when she was putting soap in my mouth and spanking me I had a boner. I never told anyone because Im embarassed. My mouth burned for 4 to 5 hours.

Anonymous said...

You people are psycho. First of all. Who cares if we talking about poop?? He should have read "everyone poops". are you so incompetent that you cant handle them talking about poop and not knowing what to do about such a miniscule topic? Do you really shelter your children that much? Freakin people like you are unbelievable, Know what happens when you shelter your child? Probably now, but I will tell you:
Wont be able to handle stress in adulthood leading to high suicide rates.
Wont have adequate social skills to function properly in community settings.
Higher rates of underage drinking and drug use.

Bitching and moaning about your son saying poop isn't doing anything other than making him a suicidal introverted burnout only being able to socialize with your local drug dealers.

Might want to set up a trust fund for therapy in 16 years.

Anonymous said...

I once in 9th grade I. Was in english class and my teacher was always yelling at me for not paying attention and would once in a while rip me apart in front of the class. One day she pushed to far and I called her an asshole. Noone could believe I said that, I was told to stay after class. I stayed and she tells me I have to stay after for detention in her class. I came back to her class and she tells me to write 1000times that I Will treat my teacher with respect at all times. I started and after 200 I said this is fing bs so she left the class room for 5minutes and came back and she had a new bar of soap in her hand and it was dripping from I guess her holding it under the faucet. She said I tried being nice, but I have to wash your mouth out with soap. I said please, then I said you can't and she says do you want to play baseball this year? She pushed the bar in my mouth and moved it around my mouth and it was horrible. It was embarassing looking up at my teacher as she yelled at me holding a bar of soap in my mouth and making me bite down and she made sure to get it stuck in between my teeth. I tried begging her to stop ,but she pushed the soap in my mouth and kept rubbing it harder on my tounge. One thing I couldn't stop thinking about was that I got a little aroused while my good looking teacher punished me and she looked hot as she stared down at me holding a bar of soap in my mouth and her sexy brown pantyhosed legs in front of me.I had to keep the soap in my mouth until I finished the lines and it burned a lot. After 40minutes of soap in my mouth I finished and she walks over and looked at my papers with the 1000 lines I wrote she moved the soap around for 1more minute and took it out and said don't ever make me do that again because I will. I was told to rinse and go rinse. I could hardly eat that night because ofhow bad I had my mouth washed out with soap. I didn't tell a soul for about 5 years after. Bottom line, I learned my lesson!

Anonymous said...

About a couple months ago I went in a store called Francesca's in the Ocean County Mall. Its a ladies clothing store and I was in there shopping and I noticed a hot lady with an accent named Alexandria I think? She wore sexy nude pantyhose and slip on loafers. I bought a couple things for a family member and when I went to go leave, the alarm went off. I went to go leave anyway and the girl Alexandria said may I see your bag, I said sure and she pulled out some jewelry they had there. I said, that's not mine, I didn't put it there. She said, you can just come with me quickly. I start following her and we go into the backroom. I said what's going on, she said I have to call the police. I said why I didn't steal. She said I also saw you taking pictures of me with your cell phone and I said no I didn't. She showed me on the camera that I did. I said , Im sorry. I said, please dont call the police, do anything, but that. She goes in a office and says I dont know, and she says put your arms behind your back please, and she handcuffs me tightly. I said, what the fuck this aint necessary. I said please, I will pay you. I bent down on my knees and she said what do you wanna do, Kiss my feet? I said ok. I bent down and kissed her pantyhosed feet and she flips her shoe off and presses her sweaty pantyhosed feet to me nose and made me smell her feet. I wont lie I liked this. Alexandria sat in a chair and held the back of my head and pressed my face to her sweaty soaked pantyhose toes. She did the next foot and I sucked on her toes and she laughed. I said, alright now let me go. She said no, I still have to call sequirity. I said, Don't be a fing ass. Within one second she grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me in the bathroom and made me kneel in front of the sink. She reaches in the cabinet grabs a new bar of soap. I said no way, she then says ok lets call the cops. I said, ok, for one second. Alexandria wets the bar then grabs my face and pushes the bar against my mouth and said open now. She jammed it in my mouth and rubbed the soap in and out so hard like she did this all the time. Within a minute I had soap stuck between all my teeth. She kept wetting the bar and twisting and turning it. It burned so much. I said stop, but she ignored me. After 15minutes, she pushed it in and said if I spit it out Im going to jail. A girl working there came back 5 minutes later andlaughed at me then went back out there. About half an hour later she came back and caught me spitting it out in the sink. She picked it back up and pushed it back in my mouth and rubbed it so hard. She started actually yelling at me and rubbing harder and harder. After another 15 minutes and she then took the soap out and covered my mouth with her hand and said swallow. She held my head back so it made me swallow the soap that melted in my mouth. I couldn't believe this just happened. It was so embarassing seeing this hot girl I had the hots for, washing my mouth out with soap and she even handcuffed me and made me smell her stocking feet which I didn't mind. Alexandria uncuffs me and says if I catch you stealing or taking pictures of me like a little pervert I promise I will wash your mouth out til the soap melts completely in your mouth. The wierd thing was that I hated the taste of the soap and my mouth burned the next day, but there wasn't something exciting about the way she did it and Im embarassed saying this? Don't steal from Francesca's in the OC mall.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe the amount of people that have had there mouth washed out with soap. When I was 15 I had this hot girl babysitting my little brother and sister and me. She was a hot brunette who was a banker and I always stared at her sexy stockinged legs and I. Loved her in dresses. One night I wanted to go to the mall and she said no. I flipped out and after cursing she said do it again I'm going to wash your mouth out with soap. After 4 more f words she called me in the bathroom up stairs and she had a wet bar of soap in her hand and had me sit on the toilet and I said please, I won't curse. She said I know you won't, now open up. She had it up against my lips, then pushed it in. She rubbed it around as if she was a pro. I had to bite down as she. Pushed it in and out and she turned it . Then she. Wet it again and turned and twisted the soap in my mouth for about 20minutes. Then she made me follow her to the living room so she could watch tv. I had to sit with soap in my mouth while she watched law and order svu and during the commercials she pushed the soap in my mouth. I tried to take the soap out after 30 minutes because it burned so she asked if I had tape and she made me lay down on the ground and she taped my arms behind my back then pushed the soap in and wrapped the tape over my mouth and around my head twice and left me lying on the ground right beneath her. After the show ended she looked down and said did you learn your lesson and I shook my head yes. She brought me up to my room and I thought the soap was coming out and she had me lay across her lap and pulled my pants off completely and she spanked me hard with her hand then I got aroused and she said , you like this don't you. I said no, and I didn't but there was something about a hot girl in sexy stockings and a dress punishing me all night. She took the tape off and made me lick the soap ten times and untied me and made me swallow the soap. That was in my mouth and made me go to bed without rinsing because I got something on her dress and stockings while she spanked me. You can guess what it was being that I got aroused from my spanking. How embarassing.

Anonymous said...

About 3 weeks ago I met this hot girl amanda while giving her tennis lessons. She is so sexy and I messed up one day by cursing at her after she missed a forehand. She said id love to wash your mouth out with soap. I said just focus on hitting the ball in wiseass. Well I yelled at her three more times. That day she slept over with my niece. Late at night she came in my room and she said I don't like to be talked down to like that. I said I'm sorry, I just want you to get better. Amanda said well I want you to just watch your mouth and she shoved a full bar of wet irish spring in my mouth. Amanda got on top of me and twisted and rubbed the soap around hard for 20 minutes. It was scraped against my teeth. She made me suck on it and pushing the soap in and out and my mouth was full of chunks. Of soap stuck between all myteeth and then she pushed it in and covered my mouth and squeezed my nose and said swallow. I was scared because I thought she was telling me to swallow the bar, but she said no that's next time. I swallowed a lot of soap that night. Then made me stick my tongue out and painted my tongue with soap and a few more twist with the soap and said watch your mouth. Amanda promised she wouldn't tell on me and I wouldn't tell anyone a 16 yr old girl soaped my mouth like that. I will never yell at her again, ever

Anonymous said...

You people are some sick mother f******, none of you deserve to have children let alone call yourself's parents,YOU are Human Incubators and that's it bottom line..And we wonder why there is so much Child Abuse in our country...Maybe we should be looking for others ways to deal with our kids and not inflict pain.

Anonymous said...

you are a shitty parent and should be arrested for child abuse. dumb hillbilly fucks are the reason our society is filled with angry people. Your should have your kids taken away and be put in jail you sick bitch!

Anonymous said...

I never thought this many people would of had the same embarrassing stuff happen to them like me. I had a babysitter wash my mouth out with soap. She was about 25 and I was 14. She was mainly watching my younger brother and sister. I always cursed and finally she brought me in the bathroom and had a bar sitting in the sink and she wiped it in and out for almost 30 minutes straight. It was awful. She did it so hard then ended it with me over her lap with my pants down and soap in my mouth as a gag. I bit down into it as she spanked me. It sucked and was embarrassing. A girl who I fantasied about punished me severely was something I never will forget.

Anonymous said...

I started going out with this girl 2mos. Ago and she is hot. Recently I joked with her and called her some bad names. After she warned me three times shed wash my mouth out with soap if I didn't stop, I kept testing her. Well I'm thrity years old and one day when I thought we were gonna be intimate she pretended she wanted to try something different. Like an idiot I let her tie me up so I couldn't move. She tied my arms behind my back then my ankles really tight. She gets up and leaves for 5 minutes. All of a sudden she comes back and looks pissed off and has a bucket full of water, looked hot because I saw steam, then I saw a bar of soap inside it and then a bottle of liquid soap and a sponge. I said you better not. She laughed and said I'm not gonna spend my life with someone calling me a bitch, fatass, and other names. I was told this is gonna be a ruthless mouthsoaping and its up to me if there is a 2nd soaping or if we even stay together. She gets on me and first pours liquid soap onto the sponge and then puts the bottle in my mouth and squirtedc it. A few times and then put the sponge in my mouth and really made my /outh foam up. It was awful she rubbed every inch of my mouth. After ten minutes she grabs the bar of soap which she said is dial and shoved the bar in my mouth and kept on turning, twisting, and really make my mouth soapy. It kept on getting dipped in the water and right back in my mouth. I was yelled at a lot while she made me suck on the soap then she would say, honey, I don't wanna wash your mouth out with soap, I love you. Then like an idiot I cursed again and told her to fing stop. She said I was about to stop but I had it rubbed harder and harder and after 45 min. She pushed the soap in my mouth as far as possible then got up and wrapped tape over my mouth a coupke times then she cleaned up and tied me to a chair and I sat there watching her sleep until 3am and she got up to go to the bathroom and said oh I forgot to take the soap out. Then she first asked me if I learned my lesson and said you sure, if not it can stay in? She took it out and my mouth burned from having soap in my mouth for 7hours straight. I didn't talk to her for a day then I apoligized. I swear I will never curse at her again. Also I was fine from having antibacterial soap in my mouth. I didn't die, choke, or anything else. But that will never happen again!

Anonymous said...

I wrrote about a new girlfriend who washed my mouth out with soap for calling her names. Daniele tied me up and washed my mouth out with soap. Well about a month went by and a few times she said she was gonna wash my mouth out for cursing. This past Monday I was at a hotel with her and she looked all sexy wearing nude thigh hi's and tall boots then she turned me over and cuffed my arms behind my back then my ankles were ductaped together. Danille turns me over and said you have a filthy mouth so she goes in the bathroom and she had the same bar od soap from last time. She had the bar soaking in warm water for ten minutes then gets on me and scrubbed my mouth so hard. She said you are gonna eat this bar, I swear. Big pieces were breaking off the bar . It was stuck bdtween all my teeth. It burned so much. Danielle made me bite the soap as she pushed it back and forth for about an hour. I kept on trying to spit it out then she said she has a date tonight. As soon as I. Went to say a word she jammed it in my mouth and covered my mouth with her hand and she got the ductape ready then wrapped it over my mouth and around my head ten times. My teeth were dug deeply into the soap from her pulling on the tape so hard. She gets up and puts me over her knee and spanked me hard with a brush for ten minutes and said she is going ouut to dinner then out for drinks with some guy. Danielle put me in a chair and pulled out a big. Roll of ductape and rope. She tied me to the chair real tight. I couldn't move at all or make a sound. She wheeled the chair in the closet and cracked the door so I can see her bed. Danielle got all dressed up and left on her sexy stockings and boots and her short skirt. She leaves and there was something exciting about being held prisoner by her while having soap in my mouth and not knowing what's going on? I could tell by the clock by the bed it was 8pm when she left then she came back around 1am. She comes to me and strips to her thigh hi's and boots, nothing else. She unzips a boot and makes me smell her sexy sweaty stocking foot. It was so sweaty and smelly. Danilelle says your not gonna be happy but I invited someone over as she has her foot over my nose. She did the next foot real quick. She said I need you to be very quiet, I tried to ask her not to but I had soap gagged in my mouth and a lot of tape over mh mouth. Danielle asked me if the soap is gone yet and I shook my head no, she said that's not what I wanted to hear. Danielle said I want it gone tonight or I get another bar. All of a sudden someone knocks on the door and she grabs ductape and wrapped more tape over my mouth and around my head ten more times real tight and a couple over my nose. I couldn't breathe and she said , honey, look you like this because I was extrememly aroused. She gets the door and this guy comes in and I could hear them talk then twenty minutes later it got quiet then they came on the bed and got undressed and I had to watch him go down on my girl then she got on top and put him in her and I watched them have sex for an hour. I won't lie it was exciting, but after I had my orgasm I couldn't breathe then I from having so much tape over my mouth it made me bite the bar in half then the little pieces melted in my mouth and I swallowed the rest. I got so hard watching her fuck him and seeing her sexy stocking feet in the air. Danielle took a nap with him, but when he went to the bathroom she took her hose off and made me smell her bare feet then put her sweaty stockings over my nose and tied it there after she took the tape off my nose so I could smell her footsweat drenched in her stockings. I got excited again from her footsweat then about 6am they had sex for the third time then he left and they made plans for later that night. Danielle kept me tied up and washed my mouth out with soap again and taped it in there then she fucked him again and he never knew I was there. Danielle said each time I curse I will get soap and watch her fuck this guy or she said her new boyfriend.

Anonymous said...

I was talking.to this girl amanda and I cursed. She said if I curse.again,im gonna suck on soap again.well I cursed so she said be ready.well two weeks later amanda sleptover. At midnite she.comes in and she had rope and ductape. She slides my boxers.off then tied myarms behind my back then my ankles. Amanda first sat on my face and I ate her out which I loved. I told her not to because of the age. So she slides her socks off and made me smell her feet then suck her toes which made me so hard then she put a sock in my mouth and.put me in her and she looked so sexu fucking me. Her tits lookrd hot. She put her sock.overmy nose so I smelled her footsweat and I got harder from her pressing it to my nose. I could barely breathe. Then she started riding me hard then she grabbed soap out of a glass and took her sock out of my mouth and shoved soap in my mouth. She twisted it in my mouth while she rode me then after she scrubbed it on my teeth I started cumming. Amanda made me stay in her and she kept fucking me. She had a orgasm then she stopped. She rested for a minute then started washing my mouth out. I was told I'm not getting away with backtalk and really made my mouth soapy. After 45 min. She pushed it in and wrapped ductape over my mouth a bunch of times then said it can comeout tomorrow, I want u to learn and tonight your being punished. She tied her smelly sneaker over my nose and left me. I had to suck on soap from 12:30am to 9am. I swallowed so much soap. Amanda comesback in morning and. She just got done playing tennis and I had to smell her feet then she fucked me again. I was told each time I curse the soaping will get worse. She took the tape off and rubbed it around for ten then untied me. The soap sucks, but it is sexy seeing a hotgirl punish u when she's tied u up and she can do anything she wants. I wish shed wash my mouth out right now.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if you'd treat your kids with respect (really, the only reason they talk about bodily functions is because you've shown that it annoys you. Laugh it off and grow up yourself), you wouldn't have to resort to punishments that should, in my personal opinion, have you arrested.

Anonymous said...

I think it makes more sense to punish them for excessive "toilet talk" by forcibly administering a soap-stick suppository. Especially since kids that age tend to be habitual doo-doo witholders.
My parents did that.

Child Discipline said...

I agree on this post!But we can add more ways, for me this is a good idea.

Unknown said...

Same here, but my wife is afraid to use it on our 7 year year old son. Tried vinegar and Red Hot to no avail.

Susan B said...

This is the most disgusting thread I have ever read. you are probably raising the next group of theater or school killers. I have never seen so much ignorance in one place.

children's worker said...

Wow, I never needed any of those disciplines growing up because my parents treated me with kindness and respect, so I followed their example. Delighting in punishing your kids is seriously messed up. Consequences, boundaries are good, but maybe your creativity could be more focused on showing them what good behaviour is and less about getting even. Sounds so vindictive.

Anonymous said...

About 1 year ago i was talking to a young girl around 17. I was always joking calling her names. She warned me that im going to get punished if i continue. Well i called her a f whore and she went and got a new bar of soap wet it then jammed jt in my mouth. She scrubbed my mouth for a long time then taped my mouth shut with soap in it. Then turned me over and taped my wrist behind my back. I was left like that for 2 hrs. It was awful. She also spanked me hard. It hurt a lot. I couldn't believe she punished me so much.

EmBe said...

I'm sorry, but this story as frustrating as it must have been for you, just gave me the best laugh that I've had in awhile. Kids.

Anonymous said...

Soap is harmful to small children and toxic. Try more intelligent strategies.


Anonymous said...

i recently got my mouth washed out with soap by my Chiropractor Daria Messina. I always stared at her when she talked to me. Daria wore dresses and stockings everyday. One night she looked so hot so i peeped through her back window and she caught me. i wanted to die she drags me in and made me sit. About 5 minutes later she came back and tied me up til the cops showed up. Daria walks in and had soap in her hand then demands for me to tell her what i was doing. I said i have a foot fetish. Daria takes her shoeoff aand.presses her sweaty pantyhose foot over my nose and said you like. i loved it. Daria shoved her sweaty toes in my mouth and said suck my footsweat. Then Daria Messina shoved the soap in my mouth and said you are a pervert and you are gonna suck on this all night. Daria taped me to the chiropractor bed and taped my mouth shut with soap in it. Daria srill had 4 more clients coming in. Daria came in and lowered my pants and boxers. I was so hard and she spanked me hard with her hand. Then Daria lowered the bed so i was upside down. Daria flips her heels off and i smelled her sweaty stocking feet.. then she took the tape off and pushed the soap around with her feet and made me swallow the soap and chew it. Daria said i hope you learned a lesson from this after she rode me hard til i cam in her.

Anonymous said...

One week ago we had this girl Amanda C. sleeping over. I already had my mouth washed out with soap by her. Well i sent her a text asking her if she wants me to go to the beach with them or not? Amanda said actually your staying home tied up with soap in your mouth. i said why? well last time she was here she went to bed with these smelly pink sox on and i smelled her sweaty toes all night and at 6 am i went to go sniff Amanda Camporeales feet more and as i jerked off while sniffing her sweaty feet she woke up and looked at me jerking off. She smiled and peeled her sox off and said keep sniffing then she said open your mouth and i had her sexy feet in my mouth and i cam in front of her and Amanda grabbed me by the wrist and brought me to my room stripped me and her and i ate her wet pussy out then she rode me hard til i cam inside her. Amanda got a bar of soap and washed my mouth out and taped my mouth shut and left me like that for 3 hours and said we will continue. so Amanda had me tied up and put soap in my mouth and said the tape comes off after you swallow all the soap. Amanda punished me with soap for 14 hours and i smelled her sweaty pantyhose feet and she said the next punishment will end with me buried at the beach down by where the water meets the beach and i will smell her sweaty pantyhose feet and suck on soap and have her toes taped over my nose and mouth and she pulled the pantyhose over my head and her foot and she watches me drown as the tide changes and the water goes over my head. i agreed 1 more curse and she can follow through on that punishment.

Anonymous said...

Amanda Camporeale just informed me that this week we will meet for my final mouthsoaping and i will smell her sweaty pantyhose feet and suck her toes. You see we got in a fight and i called her a cunt on accident. Amanda Camporeale said it is for the best. I've been bad and it is highly appropriate that i die sucking on a bar of safeguardsoap and to the smell of her footsweat. Amanda said she will wear her pantyhose for a few days to get them nice and smelly. I said Amanda Camporeale are you sure you wanna followup on this punishment? she said i know your scared but this is what happens to guys who curse. she said we will have sex before she buries me and I will be tied up very tightly. I actually just got a text from Amanda Camporeale and she said she is coming over tonight and to be ready. she said she picked up a couple new bars of soap and has had tan pantyhose on since Thursday and its Monday.

Anonymous said...

Its 2:30am & im about to get tied up and brought to the beach and buried down by where the water meets the beach. Amanda C. just dug the hole and she said the tide is changing in 2hours. Amanda Camporeale said im getting my mouth washed out with soap and it will be ductaped in my mouth but she will make me swallow a bottle of dial antibacterial liquid soap. I noticed she has tan pantyhose on and sneakers that makes her feet sweaty. Im very nervous and scared because i know she is really gonna watch me drown as i suck on soap and i have hersweaty pantyhose over my nose. well AAmanda is in front of me right now with handcuffs and ductape and a bar of safeguard. She said its time and she just pulled my pants off so goodbye.Amanda has the soap up against my mouth now.

anonymous said...

I totally agree with you. Its pathetic how most people reacting to this as a abusive act. From putting soap in their mouth to touching their toes. Since when have these things come to the point of abuse because I don't see anything with these actions

Anonymous said...

this will work for your pre teens. one time we went on vacation in 8th grade to Bush Gardens (we live in PA ). this was in the late 1970's. a few boys went running through the girls showers. as a punishment one of the chaperones (an x-marine ) made the boys kneel on dry peas holding a string out with their arms stretched out parallel to the floor. they had to do this for 5 minutes. The boys said the dry peas were painful to kneel on and their arms were hurting and cramping up from having then extended out up front of them. No soap needed. Peas and strings reusable. The rest of the trip was uneventful.

Anonymous said...

My Mom put a teaspoon of Tabasco sauce in my mouth, covered up the water faucets and I did a few laps around the house!! ha ha. I was was breathing trying to cool my mouth-try that!. I'm sure it will put him in his place!.

Anonymous said...

i. just. had my mouth washed out with soap by Kiran Chetry. she rubbed soap in my mouth for cursing at her. Kiran first made me suck on soap while she spanked me then she rubbed it around. i had the soap pushed around with her sweaty toes until she said swallow the bar and she taped her foot to my mouth until. i did.

Anonymous said...

This girl Jennie K. washef my mouth out for 45 minutes for cursing. Jennie really rubbed it around. I tried spitting it out so she then taped my mouth shut. Then she went out with friends to a show. After i had to swallow what was left. i really got whipped hard by Jennie and she had beige pantyhose on which i had to smell her footsweat. I deserve to have my mouth soaped again by Jennie K.

Anonymous said...

A very good girlfriend of mine Jennie K. was going to a huge show with me. I tempted her to go to with another guy. Well finally i got her to say. im bringing someone. I told Jennie i want to go and she NO, i already asked Joe and im going with him. Well the day of i said please its my bday. Jennie said your not going and i flipped so she tied me up really tight. and. i was calling her dirty names so she came back with soap inside a bucket. i first smelled her sweaty. sexy feet and sucked her toes. i was so hard then she said im gonna wash your mouth out with Dial soap and you will suck in it while im gone. Jennie said your being punished. Jennie was scrubbing the soap all around my mouth and wetting the soap consistently. After 20 minutes Jennie said i want the soap gone when i come back or you get another bar. Jennie K. pushed and twisted the soap then pushed it in all the way and wrapped ductape over my mouth and around my head 10x I was so hard and Jennie K. noticed . Then she whipped me beyond hard with a belt. Then she got a call saying he is pulling up in a minute. Jennie said sorry but im gonna go with him, enjoy your punishment. I was forced to smell her very hot feet real quick then she tied her smelly shoe she wears everyday over my nose and mouth. i could hardly breathe. She said bye and as she walked out the door i shot a load. Jennie looked so sexy this night. when she got back 7hrs later i had to listen to her have sex with him. First she made me smell her sweaty feet and they were perfect. Jennie fucked him so hard and he left after. Jennie gets a belt and started yelling at me and whipping me. it made me bite down into the soap and it sucked. Jennie road me after and i cam into Jennie. She made sure i git every drop of cum inside her. . Jennie said is the soap gone? i had tape taking off and she stood up and moved the soap around with her hot sweaty sexy feet until it dissolved in my mouth. I love her punishing me. I love Jennie K. telling me what to do and smelling her feet. Jennie thought i deserved more and buried me on the beach where the water comes up. just my head was up. Jennie made me smell and suck her toes then had another bar of soap and washed my mouth out more and said the tide changes soon and i will drown. Jennie wrapped. ductape over my mouth and around my head about 20x i had to smell her feet more which was hot . Jennie said you will not survive this. she said im sorry but i have no tolerance for guys like you then water was coming up so she slid her sweaty pantyhose over my head so i smelled her footsweat and i couldn't breathe. Jennie got up and stood back and and the water came up to my mouth and im so hard. Jennie watched the wAter go over my nose and she said bye and finally the wAter came over my eyes and Jennie watched me take my last breathe and i watched her walk away. i cam like never before.

Anonymous said...

Jennie Krebs loves to wash my mouth out with soap. Jennie Krebs likes to tie me up then twist soap around my mouth. Jennie Krebs likes to make me eat the whole bar of soap. then she ductapes my mouth shut. i pray she.ties me up before the concert and has Joe go instead. I wanna smell her footsweat after the concert. id let Jennie do anything to me.

Anonymous said...

i was at college and my teacher Mari Muller brought me in her office and yelled at me and i cracked a joke so she washed my mouth out with soap for 30 minutes and made me stand in the corner with soap in my mouth for another hour. It tasted horrible.

Anonymous said...

Maria Forleo should tie me up and make me smell her sweats feet and suck her toes tgen wash my mouth out with soap for an hour. i want her to ductape my mouth shut with soap in my mouth. i want to be her slave.

Anonymous said...

Jedediah Bila should tie me up and wash my mouth out with soap for hours and make me eat the bar of soap. I want to smell jedediah bilas pantyhose feet and suck her toes. Jedidiah Bila has such sexy feet and id LOVE if she pushed the soap around my mouth with her sweaty feet.

Clark said...

Thanks for sharing, I will bookmark and be back again

Best Shampoo for Kids

Anonymous said...

A couple nights ago i got my mouth washed out with soap by my training partner. I was with Niki at the gym and she had plans to go out and i heard her saying she invited another guy to go out dancing and not me so i flipped. She also made future plans with this guy. After running for 30 she tied me up to my bed. Hogtied me and i had to smell niki's sweaty feet and suck her toes then she got a bar of dial soap and wet it then said your gonna eat this bar of soap and she grabbed my chin and shoved the soap in my mouth and twisted it around for 20 then pushed it in with her foot and wrapped ductape over my mouth and around my head 10x tightly sobi couldn't make noise and tied her sweaty socks over my nose then spanked me hard then left me. After she went out i had to smell her sweaty feet then she made plans to train with someone else.

Anonymous said...

Ive been fighting with my good friend niki lately. She said im annoying and i bother her and she doesn't like it. So after us fighting she came to my place after work and said strip and i did and niki made me lay face down and had me lay where my head was at the bottom of the bed. Niki tied me up really tight so i couldn't move. I was told im being punished. Niki slid a chair in front of me and she had a new bar of safeguard soap and filled a cup with hot water then dropped the soap in it. I said please no. Niki slid her boots off and had nude pantyhose on and pressed her sweaty sexy feet over my nose and they smelled perfect. Then they went in my mouth and she said you know your staying tied up right. Niki slid her pantyhose off and i smelled her bare toes and she made me suck her toes . Then niki grabbed the soap and shoved it in my mouth and rubbed soap in and out of my mouth and kept dipping the soap in water to make my mouth soapy. I had to swallow soap for her. Then niki pushed the soap in my mouth and blocked the soap with her toes and got ductape ready and started wrapping ductape over my mouth and around my head about 40x. It was so tight. Niki said sorry but you will not like this. Niki started spanking me with a hairbrush and saying we will never go out and nevertrain together again. She said you just piss me off and i dont like being told what to do. Then niki pulled her pantyhose over my head and made it where i sniffed her toe part of pantyhose. I struggled breathing. After 100 spanking niki said i gotta go im bored. I was left until 3:00pm the next day. Niki came after the gym and was all sweaty and said her and a guy she met just trained. Niki took the pantyhose off and made me smell her sweaty feet for a bit and she said is the soap gone i said no. So she tied her sweaty sox over my nose and tied it with her legs of pantyhose and pulled the crotch over my head and left me. I cam to her footsweat. Niki came back after work lastnight and punished me more then untied me. I wish niki did this at least once a week. Im her new slave.

Anonymous said...

I was just talking to Niki and she is pissed at me for asking her too many times to hangout so i was supposed to go out with her and she told me she is bringing a friend instead so she said she wants to see me first. Niki looked sexy in heels and leather pants. Niki said undress now and i did. I was told to lay down face first and niki had rope and hogtied me and i couldn't move then she pulls a bar of soap from her bag and she goes and wets it in my sink. I begged her not too but niki said you are gonna have this soap in your mouth til tomorrow. Niki first rubbed her sexy toes over my nose and they were so sweaty and then she put her heels back on after i sucked her toes. Niki grabbed the soap and shoved the soap in my mouth and washed my mouth out hard for 15. Niki made me bite down as she twisted the soap in my mouth. Then niki had ductape and pushed the soap in my mouth with her foot to get the bar all the way in and then wrapped ductape over my mouth and around my head about 20x and then i got whipped with a belt for 10 minutes then she said be good. Niki now loves punishing me. And today she wants to train alone so and for now on train with me 1 day a week and if i give her any trouble i can sit home with soap in my mouth and be tied up til i learn.

Anonymous said...

Niki Barbera is at gym now without me. Niki made me stay home so after the gym im gonna get tied up and smell her sweaty sexy feet and suck her toes then she will wash my mouth out with soap for a bit then ductape soap in my mouth and leave me til next day. Niki doesn't want to train anymore so im being punished.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My girlfriend whipped me lastnight and then brought me in the bathroom and washed my mouth out with soap for 15.

unknown said...
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unknown said...
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unknown said...

A girl who lives near me I always stare at and I find her very attractive. Well I have talked to her a bunch of times. Well the other day she caught me staring at her through the window and I hear a knock on the door and she asked if I could come help move something upstairs that was heavy. I said ok give me a minute. Corissa S. Looked hot like she just got done with work. Had flats on ,stretchy pants and stockings. I go there and she brings me up stairs and has me walk in the bathroom and says sit for a minute. Corissa closed the door and said were you just taking pics of me?? I got nervous and said No. Corissa grabbed my cell and looked and saw pics of her walking. She yelled at me and called me a creep. She said I have 2options. Call the police or let her punish me. Eventually I said dont call the cops. Corissa filled the sink up and dropped a bar of Irish spring in the water. Corissa left and came back with rope and ductape. I had my wrist taped to arm of the chair tightly then my ankles tied. She asked why and I said I think she is sexy and I have a thing for her feet. Corissa hopes on the counter and sat there and flipped her shoes off and pressed her sweaty stocking feet over my nose and said you like this. There were very hot and she saw me getting excited as she shoved her toes in my mouth. Corissa said I'm going punish you and wash your mouth out with soap for being so creepy. After her making me suck all her sweat she put her shoes on and grabbed the soap and said open and I did and she shoved it in my mouth and rubbed it around hard and it she wiped it along my tongue. Every other minute she dipped the soap in water to get it mushy. I had soap scraped against my teeth and she did this for about 20 min. Then she pushed the soap in and wrapped ductape over my mouth and around my head 10x. Corissa cut me loose and made me lean over her lap and spanked me hard with her brush and did it hard for 20. I was gagged and definitely swallowing soap. After she put me on the ground and made me smell her sweaty feet and she peeled her stockings off and I smelled her bare toes. Corissa Scalzo said I don't want to see you being a perv again or I will do this again but longer. My mouth tasted like soap for days.

unknown said...
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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You have the morals of a pile of feeces

Anonymous said...

You are the worst person I have ever heard you are a hypocrite and a horrible person

Anonymous said...

HW has a tie!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That is the encouragement of child abuse,
Idiot. Hipocrite. Jerk

Anonymous said...

That is not a good thing jerk

unknown said...

On Monday I received another mouthsoaping from Daria Messina. Daria undressed me and already had a bar soaking. She tied me up really tight and sat up on the counter and took her boots off and layer sweaty soaked stocking feet over my nose and she noticed me rock hard and told me what a pervert I am. Daria Messina shoved her whole foot in my mouth and told me to suck. Daria got up and grabbed the soap and shoved it in my mouth. Within 5 minutes the soap was breaking up in my mouth. Daria made sure she got soap in every part of my mouth. Daria rubbed a tooth brush on the soap and brushed my tongue and gums and even my inside cheeks. Daria proceeded to tell me next Monday we will do another overnight mouthsoaping. Daria washed my mouth out for 20 minutes more then put me over her knees and spanked me with soap in my mouth. After Daria made me smell her feet more then let me go.

unknown said...
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